Category: Genezingen

René did attend already some series of the healing school, together with his wife and son. We heard an encouraging healing testimony from him. We let him tell the story himself:

Like many people I normally wear glasses, as well as to look from the distance as for close. A few months ago I noticed it was necessary to go to the eye specialist, because I could see less well. I thought I probably was in need of other glasses.


The eye specialist could not adjust my sight. Some letters remained blurry, from a series of naught some were deformed, and one naught was left out... very embarrassing for reading and writing work. The ophthalmologist sent me home with eye drops and I had to come back after two weeks.

At the next consultation (end of December, 2006) there was not any change yet. I received drops in the eyes (to dilate them) and the eye specialist made a thorough examination. The diagnosis: bilateral maculopathy, a sediment on the retina occurring quite often in the eyes of older people, but at my age of 56 this was not normal. At this moment no available treatment is sufficiently effective to restrain the development of it.

The eye specialist supposed that a lack of food supplements was involved, a deficiency of zinc and chrome, and he referred me to a professor in the academic hospital for a fluo-angiography (examination of the blood vessels of the eyes with a contrast medium). On the referral note I received was written:



A fluo-angiography please, complains already a few months about decreasing visus.

Visus right eye 5/10 cc and 3/10 cc for the left eye

There is no cataract, but a bilateral maculopathy


I considered it all very annoying and prayed in silence that God would cure my eyes, even before I would go to the academic hospital for a consultation. I had the faith for this!

By the end of January we learned that Hugo Van Leemputten would preach at the Airport Christian Fellowship in Zaventem. We felt like seeing him back again and I decided to walk to him at the end of the meeting and to ask him to pray for my eyes. But it did not come to that... During the worship the songs were projected on a wall. Suddenly I started to see the letters in a blur, as if someone had closed a curtain before my eyes. On the spur of the moment I took off my glasses and then I noticed that all letters were clear and distinct, and that I saw them better without glasses than with them! I drove my car home (with no glasses on) and I managed to read all kinds of letterings on my way, which I normally cannot do!

For the fine print (newspaper, pc) I still have to wear them, but TV and distant sight is completely restored... I trust and believe that also the fine print will still be arranged... for with Jesus everything is possible!

During the meeting someone was confined to the word "grace". That is what stuck to me: pure grace! We have a great and mighty God who is still doing wonders and signs, also in this time. All honour and thanks to Him!

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