
When they heard it said by Paul, that someone had come back from the dead, some mocked him. But some others said: “u should tell us more about this.” Acts 17:32

The Jewish leaders in Jesus’ time had anticipated it. They asked the Roman leaders to guard the tomb to prevent Jesus’ disciples from stealing it by night and claiming His resurrection. When the next morning the tomb was found empty – despite the sharp security measures – they impressed this theory upon the people.
Even until this day not that many people believe in the reality of the physical resurrection of Jesus.

Just imagine the disciples would have indeed set it all up… what could ever make them decide to lay their lives down for a lie, and why are there still people until this very day that are prepared to give their lives for this believe?

Getting murdered for your faith, like most of the apostles, is never done by fanatics, but rather originates from a “deep knowing" that He has indeed risen.
That is why it is important to look inside your inner man to see if there is a “peaceful knowing”. If you set this truth as a pillar of your faith – and not merely a doubtful side dish – you will become truly happy.

Knowing that there is a God that has conquered death and has sent His Son Jesus to the world to make you and me truly free: that is what true happiness is!

I pray you have a wonderful Easter!
Jesus is risen!

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