Category: Genezingen

During each meeting in our church, a "prayer box" is placed in front. Every person present can put prayer intentions into it. There are also prayer topics transmitted by way of the website and also these come into this box. Then we pray during an entire calendar month for the intentions.

On Christmas eve we were called by Sigrid. Luna, the two year old daughter of good friends of Sigrid and her husband Tom, was laying in the Gasthuisberg hospital in a comatose condition. Diagnosis: acute inflammation of the white brain cells and the brainstem.

The origin was unknown. She was treated with high doses of cortisone. We immediately started to pray for Luna and we proclaimed life and a prosperous recovery over her. We also put her into the prayer box. On the 26th of December we received news that her condition had slightly improved. What was perfectly obvious, was that she would have to learn again to speak and that she would need an intensive physiotherapeutic treatment. On Sunday 28 December the doctors stopped giving the cortisone. Monday the 29th of December, Luna ate again for the first time a small pot of Petit Gervais and for the first time she smiled back. On Tuesday 30 December she had a top day: a lot of smiling and 5 small pots of Petit Gervais ware eaten... and Luna wanted to hold the spoon herself. All this still went very ruggedly, but Luna went on bravely. The first week of January we got the news that Luna was "on an express train". She started to speak again and to walk again and gradually "played her old tricks" again. The "old Luna" came back completely, to the great joy of her parents! The doctors and the physiotherapists found her improvements phenomenal. Some of them came especially to look what she was able to do already! 

It looks a lot as if she still knows and understands everything like she did before and that there will be much less revalidation needed than it was considered at first!
During Luna's illness, her mummy was in the last weeks of pregnancy with her second child. In fact she dreaded the delivery a lot. She was tired by all the running to and fro and the emotions caused by Luna's hospitalization. Moreover, Luna's delivery had been very exhausting, and her mummy feared that she would have to go through all this again. Sigrid assured her that we would also pray for this and that she did not have to be afraid. On Wednesday 7 January at 5 p.m. she called her husband, who was at work. At 6.50 p.m. a fine son, Mats, was born... we have a good God!!!!

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