

This is one of the assignments with which Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the cities of Israel. It is still valid for us who are His disciples today. Ela took this up and sent us some of her testimonies (for which we are grateful!):

My German aunt is 93 and has been blind for the last 5 years. Several months ago I prayed for her on the phone and she accepted Jesus in her heart.
During a reunion where the whole family was present, I asked if I could pray for her in another room. I asked my father to come along. I prayed for her in Dutch because I can’t pray fluently in German. She didn’t understand one word of the whole prayer.
Because of the blindness she is seeing very odd things: moving giraffes, rhinoceros, constantly swaying tendrils and continuously falling sand. After the prayer she said she could see the blouse I was wearing and could describe it.

The moving animals and green tendrils had already been gone after praying over the phone, however she is still seeing the sand. I continue praying.
After the praying she repeated several times, with tears in her eyes: “I believe I will be able to see, I believe that!”

When I was praying my father started crying profusely, the Lord touched him. The next day he called to tell me it had been years since he slept through the entire night, but now he did. Normally he lies awake most of the time with just a couple of minutes sleep in between. I had only prayed for my aunt and my father received healing as well. How special!

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