
Sunday night Maria Calant got severe pain around her stomach. She has had ulcers before and immediately thought this was a similar thing.  Because of the pain she hardly slept that night and throughout Monday it didn’t get any better. She ate nothing that day and after a second sleepless night she called her daughter Nadine on Tuesday morning at 6 o’clock.  Nadine suggested to take her at once to E.R.

As they were in the car leaving the driveway, Maria felt so sick, Nadine took her back inside and called the ambulance.  Maria was loosing consciousness and the ambulance man had to do his utmost to keep her conscious. As the pain was so severe the Medical Urgency team (MUG) was called… the symptoms might indicate a heart attack and the ambulance man wouldn’t take any chances.  After examination the MUG doctor said her heart was fine and Maria was brought to the hospital in Bonheiden.

In the hospital they examined everything to find what caused the pain: gastroscopy, blood sample, ultrasound… but no diagnosis! The intense pain lasted notwithstanding pain killers in the drip and another sleepless night followed. “I just wanted to break down the room,” Maria said “the pain was so terrible.” She prayed in tongues the whole night, she prayed for herself but also for some other ill people.

On Wednesday afternoon Inger called and prayed with her.  From that moment on the pain started lifting slowly… by 4:30PM Theo noticed Maria was getting better and she confirmed it. That same night the pain was completely gone!

When the doctor came by on Thursday, Maria could only tell him she was not in pain anymore…and she could go home.  Maria asked the doctor what the cause could have been.  He replied: “Madam, we are not going to guess, we simply don’t know!”

Maria told us this was the first time she wasn’t angry with God for being in the hospital.  Maria has been in the hospital often and each time it was struggle with God… but this time she really knew He did not cause this and she took shelter with Him till the calamity was gone… and that is the best place to receive healing!


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