
During the Christmas holidays Monia could join Kobe, a friend of hers and his family to Munich. On new Year's Eve they all together left for a walk in the mountains. It was around 16:00 and it would be getting dark soon. Kobe's father showed a mountain hut on the other side of a mountain and said that Kobe and Monia might walk over there, while the others would driving to the cabin by car. So Kobe and Monia went off ... but what they did not know was that they had both looked at the wrong house, that was on the top of the mountain in front of them.

Because they noticed that it quickly became dark, they walked swiftly. They did a two-hour walk in one hour and 15 minutes. They had been called already a couple of times by phone to been asked why they still not had arrived …
Eventually they arrived at a house that was not a hut at all and they realized they were lost. That mountain refuge was much lower!

Meanwhile, it had become quite dark. If they would descend, it would be a walk in the dark through the woods ...
Somewhat higher on the mountain Kobe saw some people working with a snow machine. He decided to walk up there and ask for help. To get there, he had to climb a long way over a steep black ski run. Monia could not follow him and stayed behind alone with a worried heart. Kobe had the rucksack with the only mobile phone and the gloves. If he would fall, Monia could not help him and she could reach no one! So Monia started praying for protection ...

Kobe arrived safely at the snow machine, but the driver got very angry and showed him a notice on the machine: danger! Already some people died because they had approached the machine the wrong way.
From up there Kobe shouted at Monia to ask her if everything was O.K., but he could not understand her answer. He asked the man for help and this one advised them to walk back down the entire steep black trail ... a dangerous 15-minute walk. But Kobe did not want to do so!

Kobe phoned the girlfriend of his father who asked in German to the snow machine driver if it was possible for him to accompany them. Kobe went down to collect Monia and both could climb into the machine. It was a very scary ride because the machine leaned steeply over the black ski run. Halfway they had to get off the machine and two snowmobiles were waiting for them. Monia and Kobe could sit at the back of those scooters and they were brought down safely ... All ending well after an exciting trip ... and thank you Jesus for the protection and the rescue in a special way!


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