
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb...

This goes also for sowing and harvesting!!

Jasmijn had a testimony about tithing with her children:

“During our vacation at the seaside in August we had explained how the principle of tithing works. Both Jonas (age 7) and Bram (age 5) chose to return to God 10% of the money they received to buy something at the flea market. A little later they were strolling along the flea market. Jonas, who is fond of plushies, noticed a plush mouse he really wanted! I tried to make him change his mind…. He has already so many plushies! Finally I convinced him to have a look at all the other things before making a decision about what to buy…. But apparently our Heavenly Father wanted him to have the plush mouse. We had barely left the stall when the vendor took the plush mouse and just gave it to Jonas, and Bram too received a plush animal just like that. Bram really likes it and right now it is one of his favourite toys.

Talk about a quick harvest!

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