
Jeanine from the Netherlands sent us the following testimony after our Fatherheartschool in October 2017:

“About half a year ago, the Holy Spirit showed me an image: I was playing as a young girl at a playground. When I stopped playing, I noticed a man sitting on a bank. I looked a little bit closer and I realized that it was Father. I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled up to him and gave him my pebbles. They were precious to him.

This image came back to me during soaking times at the A School and it helped me to go to Father in a childlike way over and over again and to look for His embrace.
The fact that I am a child of Father has become more vivid and it sank deeper into my heart during this week.

The subjects “Characteristics of an orphan” and the “Motherheart of God” touched me deep inside. Being home again, I realize that I am able to get closer to my heart. Because of this, a lot of pain comes to the surface, but I am always looking for Father’s bosom and I shelter in His love. I believe and trust that He will fill the emptiness in my heart.

It is a precious gift to know that I can flourish more and more while sitting in His lap and that I can hand in my “pebbles”.

I want to thank you wholeheartedly for the valuable week I experienced.
Your love and the love of the other participants were like a warm blanket to me. I feed myself as much as possible, for instance by listening to your Sunday morning teachings and to USB-stick of the A School, which is by the way of a superbly quality.

Last weekend I went to a Fatherheart weekend in The Netherlands with Trevor and Linda Galpin. This was also very special and it helps to let let sonship sink more and more in my heart.”


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