Upcoming events
Fatherheart school A 2025

Why this school now in Belgium?
This school is not just a common school or training. It is a life’s investment for yourself and for those around you. Wounded people wound other people, healed people heal other people. If we ourselves are not deeply healed from our wounds of the past, we cannot help others.
Previous Fatherheartschools in Belgium led to a breakthrough with a lot of participants. From the very first evening the presence of our heavenly Father was tangible!
We think back happily and gratefully to these times of anointed teaching, powerful ministry and heavenly soaking. The testimonies that followed were heartwarming!
Each person can only function to its full potential in God’s vision for his/her life when he/she is fully restored and truly free. A new and deeper revelation of who Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit are, cannot help but change your life for the better.
As we become more like Jesus, those around us will change with us!
By whom?
A Belgian team with passion for the Fatherheart of God.
Hugo Van Leemputten was healed 36 years ago of a terminal cancer by the love of the Father. He is pastor of Gods Ambassade Church, ultimately responsible for Gods Ambassade Healing school Belgium and Fatherheartschool teamleader at Fatherheart Ministries. He is a beloved speaker, not only in Belgium and the Netherlands, but also increasingly frequent in other European countries and in the World. Hugo is the person ultimately responsible for this school in Belgium.
His wife Inger, is a nurse by training, an anointed worship leader and speaks at the school as well.
Nadine Derycke and Ann Verachtert, both General Practitioner by training, have been working together with Hugo and Inger for more than 32 years now and they will both also speak at this unique school.
The entire school will be translated from Dutch into English and vice versa.
We will start registering and assigning the rooms on Saturday 12th July at 3 p.m. Dinner is scheduled at 6 p.m. and the first session at 7 p.m. We conclude on Thursday 17th July for dinner, for which you will receive a packed lunch that you can eat on site if you wish.
In Château Frandeux, a beautiful country house in a unique location in the Ardennes, near Rochefort. The domain is very quietly located in beautiful nature and has a swimming pond that you can also sail on. Feel free to take a look at their website: www.chateaufrandeux.be
Very easily accessible by car, but also by train.
Unfortunately, there are no elevators, and all rooms and the hall are upstairs. So, you must be able to take (a limited number of) stairs.
- Luxury double room with sink, shower and toilet: €770
- Luxury single room with sink: €790
- Simple double room in the ecurie
Duvet, sheets, and towels (hand towel and bath towel) are included in the price.
All rooms are limited available!
After registration you immediately pay 200€ in advance.
The rest of the amount must be paid before May 15th.
In case of cancellation (final date: May 15th) an administration fee of 50€ will be charged.
After this date no refund is possible.
Gods Ambassade
Bergstraat 156
3010 Kessel-Lo
tel.: (0032) (0) 16 35 67 91 or (0032) (0) 3 29 00 513
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
website: www.godsambassade.be
You can registrar by clicking the “registration” button below.
If you do not have a computer, you can write us a letter or call us at the address indicated in the title of the letter.
A few weeks before the school starts you will receive a confirmation letter with directions.