
Sermon o/t week

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Divine protection on the road

Ann and Nadine barely escaped a very big truck with a trailer the same size. One Friday evening they took the shortcut to Hugo en Inger’s place. It is a single lane road on which you are allowed to drive two-ways. It has steep road bankings. Ann and Nadine had just left when they faced with this big truck that came thunderous their way. The driver stepped on his pedal and began to slip.

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Miraculous recouvery of a severe stroke (ceberal thrombosis)

On Saturday night 15th February 2015 Marnik, Suzy’s 21 year old son, had a strong headache. He had gone out that night and had a few drinks, so Suzy thought that was probably the reason.  On Sunday morning she noticed Marnik wasn’t well at all. The doctor on call came at once and he immediately called for 911 and the medical emergency team.  Marnik’s left arm and leg were paralyzed, his mouth was slightly crooked but he still could talk.  There had been a lack of blood supply in a large part of his brain, the 24 first hours would be critical. If the pressure in his brain would increase too much, surgery would be necessary. Suzy told her sister Linda. She had talked with Hugo right away before service on Sunday morning. The congregation prayed for Marnik.  The pressure in his brains remained within the limits and surgery wasn’t necessary….thank You, Jesus!

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