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More miraculous healings in old age

Dora sent us the following testimonies:

At the beginning of this year my father fell twice within a short period in his house. He could not remember what happened. His doctor thought it was a small tia (transient ischemic attack), a short interruption of the bloodstream in the brain). The blood analysis showed alarming levels due to increased thrombosis. He was rushed to “Gasthuisberg” (Leuven’s University Hospital) where they diagnosed him with pneumonia, four ulcers and 4th grade inflammation of the esophagus. They started antibiotics. At first my daddy seemed to recover slowly, but he kept complaining about unexplainable headaches. We had to celebrate his 91st birthday in hospital.

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Testimony Danny – Theater weekend

In January a whole team from our church went to the theatre weekend of Carla Veldhuis in the Netherlands. This has become an annual tradition...

Danny, who went with us from the start, tells us part of her story:

"In 2015 the three of us decided to go from Belgium to the theatre weekend of Carla Veldhuis in the Netherlands. I was a bit nervous about it and also a bit worried that we would be among the oldest attendees, even though I was very hungry for more. Arriving on Friday evening our suspicion was immediately confirmed: our grey hair stood out among that of many other young participants. I saw a somewhat older couple and immediately felt a little better. Later on, these people turned out to be no ordinary participants, they were part of the prayer team.

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