Ans Timman is a team member of Obed , the late Martie Haaijer’s ministry.  She is 77 now and she still regularly sends us prayer requests and news from Holland.  Recently we received a mail that we gladly share with you (with her permission).

“I think I told you before about my neighbor boy who was burnt and now he is paralyzed and unable to do anything. I thought I asked prayer for him but I’m not sure about that.

Hedwich, his mother, allowed me to pray for her a couple of times.  They are (still) unbelievers. The prayer had the nice effect that she was much calmer afterwards!

Now she came at the door one afternoon with a rose and a question.  I invited her in.

She was in a hurry but she said: “last time you prayed with Chris Jr., you said it would be nice if we (his parents) would pray to God ourselves, that He wants to come into our lives and renew it.”
Then she added: “but I don’t know how to pray”.

I talked about the cross and how much God loves us and how He wants the best for us.  I asked her: ”Would you allow Jesus to come into your heart.” Right away she responded YES! That’s what she wanted!
I said: “If you sincerely mean this and desire and believe that Jesus died also for your sins, then we can pray right NOW.” And that’s what we did. Party in heaven!!

I haven’t talked with her since, but the H. Spirit keeps at it and I continue praying and thanking!!!

When we were still living in Hoorn, Guus (Ans’s husband who is already gone to be with the Lord) and I had prayed after having shared the gospel : “Lord, let the people come to us THEMSELVES to ask questions.” It happened twice: one neighbor lady –she was already a believer- asked how she could receive the Holy Spirit. Another neighbor lady came to see us, she was very anxious. She had seen other people first and they told her  “you must go see Guus and Ans”.  We could lead her to the Lord and set her free. She had been involved in the occult. 
We lived in a row of 7 houses. In every house someone accepted the Lord.  The houses were purified, stuff and things were burnt in our garden, we experienced mighty things for the GLORY OF THE LORD!!!
And now it happened again: she came to ask HOW to pray…. Isn’t that wonderful?

If there is just but a little tiny opening, I tell about Gods love, also in the neighborhood where I live now. It is often the small things that stand out, like putting the emptied garbage cans back.
An old neighbor, he is 85, who wants NOTHING to do with God or faith, asked me once: “Why are you doing that, putting the garbage cans back?” 
I replied: “Oh, well, I have the time, it’s good exercise and I just enjoy doing it”.  Then he said: “You do put your faith into practice, you are an example to this neighborhood!”
Such a small thing and it was noticed!
It occasioned a very positive talk with this neighbor. I told him again about Gods love for him and his reaction was much milder now!  He recently passed away, and I am so glad I did get to tell him this.
I know everything is the grace of God, we just have to use the talents we received. This is a commission as well!”



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