Here you can find all kinds of testimonies, going from healing to protection, prosperity and so much more. Amazing things that our God has done in the lives of people. People like you and me. We would like to encourage you to take time and effort to read this testimonies.
You can search targeted by typing a word in the search engine. By doing so all articles with that specific word will appear. We hope that these testimonies can contribute to being encouraged and your faith being strengthened.

From 24 to 26 January we had again a few fasting days, this time in “de Boerekreek” in St.-Jan-in-Eremo (East-Flanders). It was the first time we went to this location and that always gives some extra tension. Will the rooms be ok? Will it be warm enough over there? Last year in the Ardennes it was very cold the first day since the heating was not up in time…
We were warmly welcomed by the staff of “de Boerekreek” and we got the restaurant for our meetings. The rooms were very clean and all rooms had a separate bathroom with a shower and a toilet and it was nicely warm everywhere, which is very nice when fasting a few days.

We enjoyed times of marvelous worship, powerful studies, many moments of silences – In which we could soak or go for a walk in the beautiful nature surrounding the center – and times of prayer for each other, the country, our churches and many other subjects.
As Tamara put it nicely: “We have been fed very well once again!”

We let Lutgart explain things herself:
“The house of my son have been for sale quite a while, since august 2016. According to the real estate agent it would be an easy job!

From the very moment the house was for sale, I have been putting on a monthly basis a note in the prayer box asking my heavenly Father for a smooth sale, the right price and the right candidates.

A while ago Arno felt God put it on his heart to donate to a certain Christian project. Arno obeyed and went to the bank to make the payment. There he saw his his daughter he hadn’t seen in 3 ½ years, she came up to him.

Ans Timman is a team member of Obed , the late Martie Haaijer’s ministry.  She is 77 now and she still regularly sends us prayer requests and news from Holland.  Recently we received a mail that we gladly share with you (with her permission).

“I think I told you before about my neighbor boy who was burnt and now he is paralyzed and unable to do anything. I thought I asked prayer for him but I’m not sure about that.

Liesbeth tells her story:

“Having read the book “How to live like a King’s kid” Pascale and I decided to devote more time to prayer. This is also the way we wanted to live: with signs and wonders following, with the Holy Spirit revealing us solutions, prayer topics…. With lots of courage, enthusiasm and expectation we started end of June 2014 to pray together every day.

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