
God gave Ria a complete new life during the Fatherheartschool

Ria has been coming to our church even from before it was officially established. Through Josée and Eugeen she came to the then prayergroup. She couldn’t attend her church anymore because of frequent and severe epileptic seizures. Her therapist advised her to come to the group on Tuesday nights. Ria says she never quite knew why this woman gave her this advice. At first she came just to get out of the house for a little while.

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Severe pain disappears completely

Sunday night Maria Calant got severe pain around her stomach. She has had ulcers before and immediately thought this was a similar thing.  Because of the pain she hardly slept that night and throughout Monday it didn’t get any better. She ate nothing that day and after a second sleepless night she called her daughter Nadine on Tuesday morning at 6 o’clock.  Nadine suggested to take her at once to E.R.

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