
Finger heals without intervention of people

After our last healing service we received the following testimonies from Mary: 

"I had been suffering from a painful finger for two or three weeks. Because of the pain it was difficult to hold a pot, a pan or even a glass. So it was a painful experience for me. When we were about to leave to the healing service, I spoke to the Lord about this problem. I said, "Lord, you can touch me wherever I am..." During the healing service I suddenly felt that I could move my finger without pain. I wasn’t prayed for that evening, it just happened while I was sitting in my chair! To this day, my finger still works perfectly.  

It is all about a heart relationship

Jeanine from the Netherlands sent us the following testimony after our Fatherheartschool in October 2017:

“About half a year ago, the Holy Spirit showed me an image: I was playing as a young girl at a playground. When I stopped playing, I noticed a man sitting on a bank. I looked a little bit closer and I realized that it was Father. I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled up to him and gave him my pebbles. They were precious to him.

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