Fransien tells us her story:

Since early 2020 I suffer many physical problems. I have severe arthrosis and the rheumatologist prescribed medication including cortisone, which I took for 1 year. Because of this I have a crack (fracture) in my pelvis since January, which is very painful. According to the doctors nothing could be done about this except from lying flat and taking a lot of calcium. This fracture also caused pain in my abdomen, pain to go to the toilet, pain to lie down, pain to sit, .... I was always in pain.... 

I was told to lie down for 6 weeks and after that it would go better.  Not so....  in the end, when I sat down, I could no longer stand up.... it was like I had a lame leg that I had to drag along. I had to go to rehab, but because of corona that was not possible. I also had to go to another doctor and her verdict was very short: "that pelvis will continue to cause problems, so we are going to replace that hip with a prosthesis".

I am used to watching the livestream of Gods Ambassade, and I had sent a prayer request.  During the healing service on Good Friday, I heard Hugo say: "and now we are going to pray for Fransien who has a pelvic fracture, and that seems like a painful affair to me".  When Hugo said those words, I felt so blessed, a stream of extreme gratitude filled me. After Hugo's prayer, I was able to stand up again without pain. In the beginning I couldn’t walk that easily, I was still limping; due to the required bed rest my muscles had become very weak.

After a while I had to go back to the hospital (OLV Aalst) for X-ray photos and a check-up.  I was standing in the long queue in front of the secretariat, wearing a mask, when the rheumatologist passed by and even recognized me even with my mask on. She stepped up to me and said: "Give me the papers, you don't have to wait, you’re in too much pain, just go to the waiting room". I thought: "That's nice, but I'm not in pain anymore!

In her office she was looking at all the results and then she asked me to come and have a look on her screen. What she saw was not normal, she said, "because this is your pelvis and you can only see a scar because the fracture is completely gone...all that is impossible, this is miraculous (she repeated this up to 3 times)". I didn't have a chance to answer because time is limited.... "Well", she said, "you seem to me like a woman of problems with everything you have been through, so I am going to increase the medication dose... but remember to stop the medication (ledertrexate) immediately whenever you get a fever". And off she went...

I didn't have a good feeling about this, I'm not a woman of problems but a woman created in God's image and likeness... And why should I take such strong medication when they had to take blood up to 4 times to find a tiny bit of rheumatism....

OK, I had very severe arthrosis, but I thought: "if my God helps me with my pelvis, He will help me with that arthrosis as well".

This was on Friday and Monday morning I had to take that strong dose, but I didn't feel like going to the pharmacy to get it.  Sunday afternoon I got ill, so suddenly, and I had a fever of 38.5 ° and I normally never have a fever. I stayed in bed and on Monday morning my fever had dropped to 37.5 °. Then I asked the Lord: "Did this fever come from you to warn me not to take that medicine? Ok, You are my Healer and I will not take this."  The next day the fever was gone and I was no longer in pain.

At the moment, I no longer have any problems with my pelvis at all. I can sit, walk, GREAT!

Recently my husband ran into our G.P. My husband believes in his own way, I am far too exuberant for him. Our GP said: "I was informed by the hospital that Fransien has a pelvic fracture...a painful and difficult case". "Yes," my husband said, "but she is healed and the rheumatologist spoke of a miracle!” That from my husband's mouth is already a miracle. "Yes," said the doctor amazed, "miracles happen".

Now when I see Remco Evenepoel, the cyclist, on T.V., and how he is struggling, I know what I am healed of!

So now I hold on to this agreement with my God, and if I would ever suffer a relapse, I’ll bring it to the Lord. Let us pray together that also this arthrosis will leave my body and that I will be a witness for our most high God.

In the meantime I also attend the Healing School. I believe that God wants to use me in His work, and I am open to that, because I see a lot of suffering around me, and I know Who lives in me...

Thanks for everything you do!










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