Some two months ago one day François got up and felt a strong pain in his right foot. He could barely stand on it and he couldn’t bear having his shoelace tied. It was a biting, sharp pain. It reminded him of the pain he felt once when he broke a small bone in his hand. François prayed over it and at home he wore open slippers, outside he wore loose fitting shoes. The pain was on and off and bothered him a lot. François didn’t want to go the doctor for fear they would give him a plaster and he didn’t want that for his job at church. The funny thing was each time he was working in church, he felt no pain. Once home, the pain would come back. Two or three weeks ago he got so fed up with the situation, he became really angry at the devil and commanded him to release his foot. The pain left and never came back….

When we were talking about this François mentioned in passing he is certain that because of the teachings in church and of other healing ministries in the past few years, he was able to avoid several hospitalizations.

Like one Sunday morning 7 or 8 years ago when the technicians were setting everything up he suddenly felt a strong pain in his left knee. The pain was so bad he couldn’t get up. Someone mentioned it might be the meniscus… He remembers praying about it for about three months and the pain disappeared completely.

Then he tells about his intestine problems. As a child François always suffered from diarrhea.
He had lactose intolerance but that wasn’t known at the time. But when he did know and stopped taking milk products he still had very sensitive intestines. Everywhere he went he always looked for the bathroom first…
Ever since he accepted the Lord the fear over this situation vanished, but the problems recurred regularly.
Three years ago it really started giving him a lot of trouble. Finally he had a colonoscopy and a few small benign growths were removed. The doctor asked if he ever had surgery because he noticed a scar in the intestine. Not so, it was even his first colonoscopy ever!
It had been troubling François again for several weeks when one Sunday during the service Hugo suddenly told François that it had to be finished now. He called François and Els (his wife) to come to the front, prayed for them and declared that God was doing something in François. Ever since that moment this chronic intestine trouble was gone… François says he received new intestines from God. If ever he happens to have diarrhea these days, it doesn’t last, the next day everything is fine again whereas in the past it always lasted for weeks.

François used to feel like a wreck, there was always trouble and misery all over… he cursed his body. Now his attitude has totally changed: he blesses his body very often and if something bothers him, he prays and get angry at the true cause! “I practice what I learned from you and it works!” this is his conclusion… don’t give up, even if something has been bothering you for years…there is hope!!!


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