Mai tells her testimony:

“In September 2014 I fell from the stairs at home, two days before leaving on vacation. I got up, could move everything well… thank You Jesus for your protection! I had no trouble whatsoever on vacation.

One evening in October my right shoulder started hurting.  I thought I had lifted Lucas, our grandson, too often that day. The pain stayed, so I went to our GP.

He thought it might be an infection of the shoulder joint due to that fall. X-ray and ultrasound confirmed the infection. Anti-inflammatory drugs were prescribed, but they brought no improvement.

I returned to our GP beginning of January 2015. I received a cortisone shot. Two weeks later my arm and shoulder were painfully swollen and red. The GP prescribed antibiotics. I thought it would help…but the contrary was true! By the end of January I had so much pain I could hardly sleep.  Jef called the GP who then sent us to ER.

More X-rays were taken; they revealed a large abscess full of pus on the shoulder joint. I had surgery at once and received antibiotics through a drip. The doctor said it was just in time as the bone might get infected with blood poisoning as consequence. I ended up staying three weeks in the hospital. But I was at peace all that time because I knew our Heavenly Father was with me!

Two weeks later I had to return for a check up. The blood values were up again and so I was admitted to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics and arthroscopic irrigation of the shoulder.  I didn’t have a clue but I held on to a verse in Romans 8 : “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.”

It turned out my shoulder was dislocated.  The doctor was surprised I didn’t experience more pain…all ligaments were stretched and a tendon was torn. The tendon could be repaired but that implied five months convalescence. I really didn’t want that. Another option was a total shoulder replacement using a new method, something I didn’t want either. The third possibility was wait and hope the other tendons would take over the function of the one tendon. So I waited but did something else as well… I prayed for it because we have a God of healing!

It’s almost been a year now and at this moment my arm and shoulder are functioning well and without pain. All I can say is: “Thank You Jesus, our God finishes it completely!”

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