
Praying very specifically in authority sometimes makes a huge difference

We let Lutgart explain things herself:
“The house of my son have been for sale quite a while, since august 2016. According to the real estate agent it would be an easy job!

From the very moment the house was for sale, I have been putting on a monthly basis a note in the prayer box asking my heavenly Father for a smooth sale, the right price and the right candidates.

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Sister in law with severe abdominal pain heals instantly


This is one of the assignments with which Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the cities of Israel. It is still valid for us who are His disciples today. Ela took this up and sent us some of her testimonies (for which we are grateful!):

“A few months ago my sister in law called me. She was crying with severe abdominal pain. She said it hurt so much just like being in labor. I asked if I could pray for her. After praying, it was very quiet at the other end. I asked if something happened in her body.

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In 1992, Myrène got paralytic symptoms in her left arm. They thought it might be a tumour, but the scanners remained negative. Finally on the NMR a syringomyelitis was diagnosed: there was a big cyst in the spinal marrow, which was pressing upon the nerves. Myrène was operated upon: a part of the cranium was removed to take away the pressure there and to put the cerebellum, which had shifted, back into its position.

Subsequently a second operation would be performed, to drain the cyst in the spinal marrow. Yet after prayer this cyst disappeared; the professor from the Gasthuisberg hospital spoke of a miracle, he had never seen something like it!
Some time later a smaller cyst came back at the height of the neck. It is pressing there upon the nerves, giving a paresis (partial paralysis) of her upper limbs. This makes that there are a lot of things Myrène cannot do and it causes her a lot of pain. Yet some time ago something very special happened during a Sunday morning meeting. Myrène had been unable to sleep for at least 6 months already. She could not remain lying on her left or right side for 15 minutes. Then she got an extremely stringed feeling in her arms, they started to tingle vehemently and she got a weakly feeling.

Only leaving her bed and walking around was of any help then... So sleeping had become a torture... Myrène was completely exhausted. During that Sunday meeting they sang the song "Show Your glory in this house". There is a part in it about the church being filled with Gods power. Hugo said that this power was also present with us and he asked some people from the church to go around and to lay their hands on others. Vic laid his hands on Myrène's shoulders. Immediately Myrène felt a warmth beside her at the left, as if somebody was standing by her side. She also was touched very deeply in her emotions and she only managed to think: "don't go away... keep on standing there!...". After the meeting she told to Danny how her nights were... she cried out that she almost could not stand this anymore. Danny prayed with her and since that meeting Myrène is sleeping normally again.
Eight years ago she twice received a dream from God (with a time span of two weeks in between the two dreams) in which she saw herself healed.

She felt her arms being lifted up and she praised the Lord. Sometime later she read in Genesis 41, verse 32: "The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon." This text came jumping out of her Bible, so to speak. Myrène knew it was for her! That night Myrène asked God for an extra confirmation, and again at night she dreamed she was healed... Although this is not visible yet at the moment, Myrène believes with all her heart that God has healed her and that she will see this healing soon!

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