
Double healing of the eyes

Recently François and Els had to go to a funeral in the family on a Tuesday afternoon. They had already informed us that they probably would not be able to come to the meeting that evening. Contrary to their expectation, they returned home at about 18.30 o'clock. They decided to go to the meeting all the same, but  François still wanted to eat a bowl of soup first. He went to the garage and bent down in the dark to lift up the cauldron from the floor. In doing so, he knocked his right eye against an iron bar of a clothes horse.

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Resist the devil and he will flee from you

Some two months ago one day François got up and felt a strong pain in his right foot. He could barely stand on it and he couldn’t bear having his shoelace tied. It was a biting, sharp pain. It reminded him of the pain he felt once when he broke a small bone in his hand. François prayed over it and at home he wore open slippers, outside he wore loose fitting shoes. The pain was on and off and bothered him a lot. François didn’t want to go the doctor for fear they would give him a plaster and he didn’t want that for his job at church. The funny thing was each time he was working in church, he felt no pain. Once home, the pain would come back. Two or three weeks ago he got so fed up with the situation, he became really angry at the devil and commanded him to release his foot. The pain left and never came back….

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We allow Margriet to speak for herself:

"It happened in the first week of the Easter holidays. We were sitting at the breakfast table. My two daughters and the kids were there too.

When getting up from the table, Marc made a wrong move with his left knee. His knee gave, it was very painful and he was not really able to lean on it any more.

He had to lean heavily upon me in order to take the five steps towards the seat. He immediately presumed that there was something serious going on. Marc has been playing a lot of football in former days and he always has been running marathon races. His knees are a bit a weak spot. I immediately have put my hand upon it, however without praying aloud. Marc called a sports doctor he is on friendly terms with, who did already treat him earlier for knee problems. He immediately made an appointment for that same evening.


My daughter I brought away by car to Ostend. When I came back, Marc had trudged to the bedroom. He was lying on the bed, obviously with a lot of pain. Again I put my hand on his knee, and rebuked the pain and I ordered the knee to be healthy. Anika, our granddaughter of six, stood beside me and she also prayed with me. After the prayer she said, "Grandpa, now...


"Grandpa, now you must do something you cannot do and which hurts." She meant that he had to get up now and that he should walk. Marc smiled faintly but he kept lying down. In the meantime Jasmijn had left to do the shopping and I took the children outside with me, for a bit of romping. When we were home again after an hour, Marc had got up and he was dressed. He declared: "It is over, the pain has gone, it is in order." The knee only was still a little rigid. At the utmost a few minutes after what Anika said, the pain had just gone and he had got up immediately. He decided to have his knee checked anyhow at the doctor's. The doctor stated formally that normally the meniscus should have been torn, but the knee was totally in order! Terrific! Thank You, Jesus!!!"

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