
Deep inner healing after divorce

Where to start when writing down a testimony of a healing of the heart and the inner man?
A healing that transformed heartbreaking pain into a new life.

In 2009 I discovered that my husband was having an affair with another women. The confrontation with this fact was for him the starting point to move to her place, for my it was the beginning of a relationship with God. Although a neighbor told me that night – after I called her with the message “HELP! I am ready to do something stupid” – that Jesus also died for this case and that I could go with her to church the next morning, I told her I did not need it. She stayed most of that night with me, but she did not insist.

The next morning I called her with the following message: “Rush to my place, but do not wait fifteen more minutes, or I will not go with you anymore.”

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God heals before diagnosis

Some time ago Nadine got troubled by a heavy stomach ache and hard digestion. She almost felt no hunger any more and when she had eaten a little bit, it seemed as if no other bit could be added to it. Now this can happen when you have a viral infection but the symptoms kept on lasting, despite prayer, and they even became worse. Nadine also got pain under the right rib frame. As well Nadine as Ann had to think about gallstones...The entire time they prayed together for healing, but nothing seemed to happen. One day they decided that an ultrasound should be made anyway, in order to be sure what was going on. They shared this with Hugo and Inger. That day, Nadine had to deliver something at their home, and in the hall Hugo laid his hands on her and prayed shortly for healing. From one moment to another all pain and the feeling of a heavy weight vanished and Nadine was hungry again... of course no examination has been made...

We allow Margriet to speak for herself:

"It happened in the first week of the Easter holidays. We were sitting at the breakfast table. My two daughters and the kids were there too.

When getting up from the table, Marc made a wrong move with his left knee. His knee gave, it was very painful and he was not really able to lean on it any more.

He had to lean heavily upon me in order to take the five steps towards the seat. He immediately presumed that there was something serious going on. Marc has been playing a lot of football in former days and he always has been running marathon races. His knees are a bit a weak spot. I immediately have put my hand upon it, however without praying aloud. Marc called a sports doctor he is on friendly terms with, who did already treat him earlier for knee problems. He immediately made an appointment for that same evening.


My daughter I brought away by car to Ostend. When I came back, Marc had trudged to the bedroom. He was lying on the bed, obviously with a lot of pain. Again I put my hand on his knee, and rebuked the pain and I ordered the knee to be healthy. Anika, our granddaughter of six, stood beside me and she also prayed with me. After the prayer she said, "Grandpa, now...


"Grandpa, now you must do something you cannot do and which hurts." She meant that he had to get up now and that he should walk. Marc smiled faintly but he kept lying down. In the meantime Jasmijn had left to do the shopping and I took the children outside with me, for a bit of romping. When we were home again after an hour, Marc had got up and he was dressed. He declared: "It is over, the pain has gone, it is in order." The knee only was still a little rigid. At the utmost a few minutes after what Anika said, the pain had just gone and he had got up immediately. He decided to have his knee checked anyhow at the doctor's. The doctor stated formally that normally the meniscus should have been torn, but the knee was totally in order! Terrific! Thank You, Jesus!!!"

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