
Miraculous recovery of pelvic fracture


Fransien tells us her story:

Since early 2020 I suffer many physical problems. I have severe arthrosis and the rheumatologist prescribed medication including cortisone, which I took for 1 year. Because of this I have a crack (fracture) in my pelvis since January, which is very painful. According to the doctors nothing could be done about this except from lying flat and taking a lot of calcium. This fracture also caused pain in my abdomen, pain to go to the toilet, pain to lie down, pain to sit, .... I was always in pain.... 

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A complicated procedure unnecessary thanks to the prayer box

The LORD is good, His love endures forever, His faithfulness unto all generations.

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A pinched nerve loosens after prayer

Carine tells the story:

“It was Monday 6th January, during the course of the day I began to have an awkward feeling in my left buttock … it was quite painful! It felt as if something was clamped. Tuesday I went to the evening service having the feeling my left leg was shorter than the right one.
After the meeting I went to Ann, she said it was probably a compressed nerve. She prayed for me, I received it… and was convinced it would be all right.
Wednesday evening, I suddenly realized the pain was gone. That night I wholeheartedly thanked my Heavenly Papa, He truly is wonderful!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life… and yours too of course!”

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