During the Christmas holidays Monia could join Kobe, a friend of hers and his family to Munich. On new Year's Eve they all together left for a walk in the mountains. It was around 16:00 and it would be getting dark soon. Kobe's father showed a mountain hut on the other side of a mountain and said that Kobe and Monia might walk over there, while the others would driving to the cabin by car. So Kobe and Monia went off ... but what they did not know was that they had both looked at the wrong house, that was on the top of the mountain in front of them.

Ann and Nadine barely escaped a very big truck with a trailer the same size. One Friday evening they took the shortcut to Hugo en Inger’s place. It is a single lane road on which you are allowed to drive two-ways. It has steep road bankings. Ann and Nadine had just left when they faced with this big truck that came thunderous their way. The driver stepped on his pedal and began to slip.


Nathalie and Werner Steurbaut, a couple from our church, are living in Uganda since 2008. They run a home for children where now 115 children found a safe place to grow up!

On 26th October they went to have a bite to eat in a restaurant at Victoria lake in Entebbe. As they got back in the car, Nathalie opened her window before driving off. At that moment a snake fell into the car.

Last June Harry and Suzanne went to Hungary with Eugène and Josée. They have had a nice holiday and would drive back home two days later, when Suzanne said that she had not been experiencing something special with God this years. Josée answered that they had been driving everywhere without any problem, and always had parking space and asked if this was not enough? Still Suzanne wanted to experience God once again really close...

On the way back home they stayed one day in Passau, at the Austrian-German border. That evening they were enjoying a delicious ice cream on a terrace. Suddenly they saw very dark clouds coming their way; they rushed to the car to drive to the hotel. Meanwhile the sky became pitch black.

Thursday 22 January, the day before she turned 14, Sarah was biking home after school, at a certain point she had to cross the street. A small van was about to take a right turn and enter into the street, it had noticed her. They both stopped indicating the other to continue…. until they proceeded both at the same time… Sarah got hit but apart from a hurting knee, she had no injuries…. She is very thankful to her heavenly Father!!!

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