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Finger heals without intervention of people

After our last healing service we received the following testimonies from Mary: 

"I had been suffering from a painful finger for two or three weeks. Because of the pain it was difficult to hold a pot, a pan or even a glass. So it was a painful experience for me. When we were about to leave to the healing service, I spoke to the Lord about this problem. I said, "Lord, you can touch me wherever I am..." During the healing service I suddenly felt that I could move my finger without pain. I wasn’t prayed for that evening, it just happened while I was sitting in my chair! To this day, my finger still works perfectly.  

Fasting days continue to work through

Ignace recently told us the following via e-mail:

“I want to look back for a while to the Fasting days in Cornimont held the beginning of this year. To date I am still very encouraged by the spiritual impulse that you (Ann) received at the end of testimony session, Saturday afternoon 28 January. I was the last one to come to the front. At that moment you communicated a word from the Lord for me. I experience a clear improvement in my health condition as well as in my general condition.

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Faith Watchers

Do you carry a lot of weight in your life?
Is everything so exhausting, heavy and stressful?
Do you want one size less?
Then you've come to the right place at Faith Watchers!
It is a fact that many people in the West suffer from obesity.
A lot is being done to sensitize people to a solution.
The 'spiritual overweight', which often causes all other problems, is regularly overlooked.

The operation of Faith Watchers is very simple:

Step 1: you decide to give God the most important place in your life

Step 2: you surrender everything to Him (so you let go of everything)

Step 3: You follow Him unconditionally

Step 4: You sit together with brothers and sisters

Step 5: you pass on the good news you have received to others.

Faith Watchers, the surprising system to get rid of obesity.

Many blessings!


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