
Sermon o/t week

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Pray and you will receive

This morning I was asked to pray along for someone with a fistula. I did.

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God protects

Jasmijn relates:
"It is Monday morning. The schedule for the forenoon looks as follows: after breakfast to the market and after that still to the store too.
While I prepare myself, I pray to God. I ask Him to open my eyes for His goodness and for the small 'miracles' He is doing for us day after day.
09:30h. Finally we are standing at the front door, ready to leave. Given my tight schedule, I put up some speed. I am already on my way from the front door to the car, when suddenly Bram says he still wants to take a toy with him. I open the front door to about one full meter, and I go already on to the car. When I am fixing Jonas in the car, Bram comes running to me already and he comes and sits in the car too. I fasten him and we leave. First to market, then to the store. About a full one and a half hour later, we arrive back home. I loosen the boys and I walk to the front door... and it is still almost completely open!!! It takes a while before I realise that I had forgotten to close it.
Immediately I went to look around inside, but everything was just as we had left it. Nothing was missing, not even any keys! I am sure, our house has been protected by God Himself that morning! "

At the beginning of October Hugo and Inger went to the Netherlands to take their boat out of the water. Hugo had bought a new wheel clamp for the boat trailer. It is an ingenious system with a spring. When he wanted to remove it, it burst open with a tremendous vigour. Hugo could not jump away in time and had the wheel clamp full-blast on his right skin bone. It hurted immensely, but Hugo finished his job and took the boat trailer with his car to the slipway for boats.

Then the pain was so bad that he thought he would lose consciousness.
Inger was standing there waiting for him and she checked the contusion together with Hugo. It concerned an enormous extravasation of blood which kept on increasing in size. Ivo, Inger's brother, thought it had to be a bursted cephalic vein... so huge the swelling was. They entered the office of the harbour master and Inger asked for an ice-bag. They did not have one, but the harbour master came with an enormous first-aid kit. When he was gone for a moment, Inger prayed for a total recovery. The co-worker of the harbour master was urging Hugo and Inger to go quickly to the hospital. The harbour master went to disconnect the boat trailer and put the car near the gate in order to let them leave as quick as possible.

Yet Inger, being a nurse herself, stayed calm and she phoned Ann and Nadine for advice. They confirmed that most likely it concerned a heavy extravasation of blood and that they could not do very much at the hospital. When the co-worker of the harbour master saw she could not convince Inger to go to the hospital, and that cold water was all they needed, they took Hugo to the nearest landing stage. There they spouted for quite some time cold water with a hosepipe on his skin bone. Thereafter they went to get a spot of food for a moment and they took off homewards again. When they arrived home, they told the entire story to Ann, Nadine and Sam. When Hugo showed his skin bone, there was barely anything to notice any more... Speaking of a miraculous recovery!


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