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Also small healings are big miracles

Also small healing are big miracles!

For some weeks already, Elly was suffering from a wound on her gums. In fact she was constantly in pain, but when she was eating or drinking it still increased. Very embarrassing... On a Sunday during the worship in church Elly stood waving a flag. On a certain moment, Ann told God was going round healing and she spurred the people on to receive their healing. At that moment, Elly was not occupied at all with the wound in her mouth, but she joined in, pronouncing aloud that she was receiving her healing. Back home, while eating, she suddenly noticed that the wound on her gums was entirely healed...

On a Saturday Elly was extracting weeds amidst the sunflowers. Although Elly is wearing glasses, a sunflower leaf hit her eye. This was very painful, and the eye became visibly inflamed and red too. On Sunday after the meeting Elly asked for prayer. In the afternoon the pain had got much better and the next morning all trouble had gone!

A spectacular beginning ....

A spectacular beginning is very much protected ...

On the 2nd of January, in the evening, Carine took Patrick by car to the bus... for Patrick had to work on the nightshift. Just when he got out, the bus passed them... Carine drove quickly after the bus, with flashing lights and sounding the motor horn... the bus stopped and Patrick went across the road. He still said: "careful when you drive back..." Carine drove into the drive in front of a house in order to turn back. When she was driving for a while on that road, she suddenly saw a dead red cat lying on the road. She swerved to the right and turned rather quickly again to the left. All of a sudden the car started to drive her, instead of she driving the car... Carine kept her eyes meticulously on her traffic lane and tried to adjust her driving... there was an oncoming car which she was in imminent danger of making a beeline for... it passed her... Carine cried to God for help and she came to a standstill on the other traffic lane, just behind this car that had been oncoming... Thanking God for His protection, she came home wide awake... her year had started in a really spectacular way...!


As many of you know, we have a prayer box which is placed in front of the church, in which people can put prayer items. Besides that we also have an "electronic prayer box": through e-mail people can send us their prayer requests. Also these requests are put into the box. After each church meeting the entire church as a whole prays together for every item in the box, so it is a communal faithful prayer!
Recently we heard that also other churches are adopting this tradition...

Very regularly we are told that these prayers are answered. We let Mia from the Netherlands tell what happened:

"I am doing well! Once in the past, after a healing school part 2, I put prayer topics into your 'box': our marriage and my health! I can tell you: both are going very well! I must say my marriage has gone through the greatest change: after 27 years it seems that we ended up both on one line in the matter of faith... one big miracle I am enjoying every moment!
As to my health: in 1996 I have been so severely overstressed, anxious and depressed, that I did not even dare to come out of my bed any more... I was just a miserable bunch of wretchedness. I have been hospitalized then for five weeks and I had to learn everything anew: to go out, to take a bus or a train in order to get somewhere... That was such a dark period!
It took years, but God has completely changed me! One night in 2003 He spoke personally to me. He said: "Mia, you can always choose to be happy in Me". The next morning my tiny diary confirmed what God had said with a fragment entitled: 'You can choose'!
Also through the Father Heart school in 2004 there came great change and deep healing, and after that by the teaching of Andrew Wommack and not to forget by your healing school!
In 2001 Chrohn's disease was found in me. I had to take cortisone two times during months, with all the consequences that go with it. Currently I still sometimes am "attacked" in my intestines, but now I know, or now I learn to stand in faith, and to keep on standing! I do not take any medicine any more. Praise the Lord!

For the rest still something very beautiful we started our year with:

Our daughter was more than 20 weeks pregnant, and everything went fine.
She had to be medically checked for the 20 weeks ultrasound, which is  standard here in the Netherlands.
Usually such an ultrasound is very nice to see everything and to admire it... but this time the obstetric surgeon discovered something not quite well. She informed us that one or both of the little thigh bones (the femurs) were too short! According to her, this could signify all kinds of things, and my daughter was sent to the children hospital for a new ultrasound. Between the first and the second examination were three days.

Luckily my daughter was prepared for she had read the booklet 'Supernatural childbirth' already, even before she became pregnant.
When I heard it, I was frightened and for a moment I had lost my bearings, but after half an hour the Lord gave me a text out of Deuteronomy 28 in mind: "Abundant prosperity in the fruit of your womb"... This I started repeating in my head and I proclaimed it over my daughter and over the little girl.
My daughter did not go to search on the internet all kinds of things that could be wrong, but she kept on believing it would all turn out well. We asked 3 people 'standing in faith' to stand with us, funny enough through Facebook: one in America, one in Singapore and one just here in the Netherlands... We received beautiful encouragements! I myself saw it as a 'flaming arrow'... but then one I could choose to let it glance off the shield of our faith which extinguishes ALL the flaming arrows...
It was quite difficult, but we did not lose any sleep over it and on the day of the second ultrasound we had the certainty everything would turn out well. It was wonderful!

When my daughter called after the examination, I heard it instantaneously by her voice: EVERYTHING WAS WELL! She did not even have to go back for still an extra control! How TREMENDOUS this is indeed! God already did heal my daughter earlier from a nasty disease, and now this... Wow, what a LIFE, what a Daddy!"


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