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It is all about a heart relationship

Jeanine from the Netherlands sent us the following testimony after our Fatherheartschool in October 2017:

“About half a year ago, the Holy Spirit showed me an image: I was playing as a young girl at a playground. When I stopped playing, I noticed a man sitting on a bank. I looked a little bit closer and I realized that it was Father. I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled up to him and gave him my pebbles. They were precious to him.

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Sister in law with severe abdominal pain heals instantly


This is one of the assignments with which Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the cities of Israel. It is still valid for us who are His disciples today. Ela took this up and sent us some of her testimonies (for which we are grateful!):

“A few months ago my sister in law called me. She was crying with severe abdominal pain. She said it hurt so much just like being in labor. I asked if I could pray for her. After praying, it was very quiet at the other end. I asked if something happened in her body.

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A few years ago, Ann was allowed to speak at a Women Aglow morning in Limburg. There Annie was one of the ladies present and she listened with fascination to Ann's story. A few months later, Annie called Ann and she asked if she could come over for a conversation. Annie had a lot of medical problems too and Ann could explain her how Jesus also wanted to be her Physician.

One of these problems was a heel spur she was already troubled by for about two years. Even after two cortisone injections she kept on having a lot of trouble and pain. When Annie had been sitting or lying down for a while, and she started walking again, she seemed to be a woman, stricken in years... she hardly managed to walk... She also got vitamin B injections by her general practitioner, but it made no difference. That day Ann and Annie prayed together for her to recover. Ann also taught Annie how she could hold her healing and how to keep on expecting if the symptoms would not have gone immediately. Very encouraged Annie went back home and she followed Ann's advice.
Gradually Annie was troubled less by the heel spur but for quite some time she still kept on feeling something when she was very tired. Some time ago Ann received an enthusiastic email from Annie, in which she reported that her heel had completely recovered now. She still had been wearing an insole for the heel spur but one day she could not find it any more. That's why she had just started to walk without the insole and that was at the time she sent the email already a few months ago... and Annie had no trouble at all any more and she was very grateful for that!


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