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Heel spur clompletely healed

A few years ago, Ann was allowed to speak at a Women Aglow morning in Limburg. There Annie was one of the ladies present and she listened with fascination to Ann's story. A few months later, Annie called Ann and she asked if she could come over for a conversation. Annie had a lot of medical problems too and Ann could explain her how Jesus also wanted to be her Physician.

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Raised from the dead

Raised from the dead... heard at first hand from the cardiologist!

In the gospel Jesus not only gives us the order to heal the sick but also to raise the dead... Many don't believe in healing sick people by prayer, let alone in raising dead ones. And yet it also still happens today!

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We let Chris herself tell what happened:

In September 2008 I began to feel pain in my neck, in my shoulders and especially in both my arms. I also had tingling fingers. I thought this should have to do with the stress at my job. For everything was going very wrong there. Many colleagues got fired, daily the bailiffs were knocking at the door and we used to receive angry phone calls. No one was still motivated any more and this entire situation was going on for months already.

Finally, in October 2009, the firm I was working for went bankrupt. Originally we had been working there with 16 colleagues. I myself and still another colleague were the latest employees to be fired.

In February 2009 I regularly got blocked when writing. Sometimes I suddenly could not write further any more and my ball pen fell out of my hand. I had no strength left in my fingers which were tingling all the time. Also in my arms I had no strength left.

In March 2009 I went to a chiropractor. I thought it probably would all pass off when I just had myself well "cracked". The chiropractor examined me and said that my problem was due to my neck, more specifically to the cervical vertebrae 5, 6 and 7. This man told me I had a serious problem and that I had to be examined further on. He could not do anything for me. He also told me that it would be best for me to stop working immediately, and that it would take a long time before I would be healed again. I had not expected this at all, and I started weeping on the spot!

Detailed medical examination confirmed the chiropractor's diagnosis: a heavy double hernia so that both my arms were 50 per cent paralysed. On account of the pressure on the nerves in my neck I had terrible pains and paralysises in both my arms, my hands and in my fingers. I also had little strength or no strength at all left. I could not peel potatoes any more, I could not write any more, to turn a page in a book was very difficult, even the tiny keys of a mobile I could not press any more...
Also the sensorial nerves were attacked: in contact with cold or warm water my hands and arms were completely blocked ... so I could not even wash the dishes any more!

In addition, due to the overburdening of my arms, I also had 2 tennis elbows too... my arms were completely wrapped up in tape. The doctor did not allow me to do anything at all any more. That was a heavy wallop for me... for I was always at work or busy with something! Now I had to sit still and I literally had to kick working.
To add to the misfortune, I had lost my footing in the bathroom, I had a heavy fall against the bath, which caused me to contuse several ribs.
Due to all these pains I could not sleep any more, I could not lie on my left, nor on my right side and not even on my back. All this led to a heavy fatigue.

The doctor predicted that I probably would not be allowed to do anything for a year or longer. The first months I had a lot of pain killers and cortisone injections. After 2 series of cortisone root block injections, a MR scan and EMG tests, the doctor referred me to a neurosurgeon. The first option was to operate but luckily the neurosurgeon himself proposed to wait with this until further notice.  First he referred me to the physiotherapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. Then, after a few months they would revalue it. I was very happy with that, for I did not want to be operated upon. The doctor of the physiotherapy did not understand why the neurosurgeon had not chosen for an operation... I knew the answer, for I had prayed for this!

Up to two or three times a week I went to the Imelda Hospital in Bonheiden for the therapy which lasted 2 hours every time. These hours were very heavy. Simple easy movements I could not make any more. In the physiotherapy I had to lay my hands on the table and then just to lift them upwards, and this I could not do. I learned again to write in between 2 little lines as in the nursery class. In the beginning I used to weep often, because I could do so little.

In addition, due to the overburdening of my arms, I also had 2 tennis elbows too... my arms were completely wrapped up in tape. The doctor did not allow me to do anything at all any more. That was a heavy wallop for me... for I was always at work or busy with something! Now I had to sit still and I literally had to kick working.
To add to the misfortune, I had lost my footing in the bathroom, I had a heavy fall against the bath, which caused me to contuse several ribs.
Due to all these pains I could not sleep any more, I could not lie on my left, nor on my right side and not even on my back. All this led to a heavy fatigue.

The docor predicted that I probably would not be allowed to do anything for a year or longer. The first months I had a lot of pain killers and cortisone injections. After 2 series of cortisone root block injections, a MR scan and EMG tests, the doctor referred me to a neurosurgeon. The first option was to operate but luckily the neurosurgeon himself proposed to wait with this until further notice.  First he referred me to the physiotherapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. Then, after a few months they would revalue it. I was very happy with that, for I did not want to be operated upon. The doctor of the physiotherapy did not understand why the neurosurgeon had not chosen for an operation... I knew the answer, for I had prayed for this!

Up to two or three times a week I went to the Imelda Hospital in Bonheiden for the therapy which lasted 2 hours every time. These hours were very heavy. Simple easy movements I could not make any more. In the physiotherapy I had to lay my hands on the table and then just to lift them upwards, and this I could not do. I learned again to write in between 2 little lines as in the nursery class. In the beginning I used to weep often, because I could do so little.

Ann gave me the advice to pronounce "Jesus heals me" at every exercise and therefore I did so. I thought " my weakness becomes my strength, my hands and arms will be strong, Jesus heals" and I drew strength from these words.
In the ergo therapy for fine locomotion my first exercise consisted in a board with many little holes in it and I had to put a tiny nail in all of these little holes. The shape on the wooden board was that of a cross and to me this was a sign for Jesus... another encouragement!

Because I was not permitted to do much at home, I could do nearly nothing at all. I read a lot in the Bible, I listened to cd's with sermons and songs, and I spoke with brothers and sisters and also with non-Christians about the Word of God.

In November 2009 I went to the Herstelweekend (Recovery Weekend) in Houthalen. There my heavenly Daddy cured me completely! Gerard de Groot laid hands on me and he pronounced deliverance and healing and he broke the yoke of my neck. The pain in my neck is completely gone now, and I am able to turn my neck completely to the left and to the right, which did not succeed before the Herstelweekend. The strength in my arms has not completely returned yet, but it is much better. At home I am doing now still a lot of exercises myself in order to strengthen the muscles again. It is true that I have painted an entire room all by myself, when I came back home from the Herstelweekend!

In the meantime two therapists in the Imelda Hospital have stated that my neck is completely healed. All treatments have been stopped. I bore witness of my healing, the doctors and therapists listened with a lot of interest and they said they would just have a look at the website at some time.

Through all this I learned above all things to rely more upon the Lord God and to believe in Him. He is my healer. I also learned to persevere and I found deep rest and peace again.

I like to tell everyone: "if you go with Jesus, you go well, Jesus heals!".


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