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He gives to his loved ones while they sleep

Bartel from the Netherlands gave us the following testimony:

 “In November 2019 I attended the Fatherheart School in Belgium. I was really looking forward to it, because I wanted to experience more of God's Love.

A lot was being taught in the A-school. During class it was sufficient for me to be present in the room. Just hearing words about God's Love gave me inner refreshment. I didn't have to do anything for it. I didn’t have to sit up straight or listen actively. I didn't have to take notes. Neither did I have to remember anything. I just had to be present in the room.

How did I experience that?

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Healed from epilepsy

At New Year 2013 we received a very special card from Ria.
Here’s how it started: “I would like to thank the Lord for the new live I received. To me psalm 103:5 (“so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s”) is reality. I go bicycling, swimming, walk miles with the dog, work in the garden…. My bamboo forest is gradually becoming a real garden.”

In October 2012 Ria was already two years off all medication and that changed the world for her…

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In 2004, during the medical examination in the first class they discovered examining Tessa Dhaeyer, the daughter of Philippe and Ingrid, that without glasses her sight was 7/10 at the right side and 6/10 at the left.

She was referred to an ophthalmologist who found hypermetropia (farsightedness) and a slight astigmatism (a disordered depth perception).
In the beginning she thought this was rather nice because that way she got more attention at school, but after a while she sometimes was teased for it.
In the fifth class she was tested again during the medical examination at school, and her eyes were good when she had her glasses on.
Tessa was fed up with her glasses and she decided herself not to wear them any more in the sixth class. She believed that God could heal her eyes and she also prayed for it.
At the moment she is in the first year of the secondary school, and in March her eyes were examined once more. Without glasses, both her eyes got a 10/10 (we got the medical report and saw it put down in black and white) and she has a normal depth perception! Tessa was very glad with that, and she encouraged with her testimony everyone wearing glasses and tired of them...

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