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Unexpectedly a new job

Jan lost his job May 2016 by mutual agreement with his boss. He could not handle his job in construction anymore due to severe back problems.

In July 2017 the hernia has gotten so worse that certain nerves in his right leg were not functioning anymore as they should. Jan was urgently operated on his back. Rehabilitation went by reasonably smooth.

In the fall of 2017 Jan and Ann attended our weekly church meeting. Jan Sjoerd Pasterkamp spoke that morning on the spiritual authority of a man.

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Healed from chronical bronchitis and healthier than before

Bronchitis was a phenomenon Josée was very familiar with... a few times a year she had to contend with it and then she had to stay inside for quite a time and to take medication. As a child already she was troubled by it...she often coughed yellow lumps and she drank quite some cough mixture in the course of her life. Having a phone call with Ann she told that she invariably used to have a bronchitis in the period between Shrovetide and Easter.

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In 2004, during the medical examination in the first class they discovered examining Tessa Dhaeyer, the daughter of Philippe and Ingrid, that without glasses her sight was 7/10 at the right side and 6/10 at the left.

She was referred to an ophthalmologist who found hypermetropia (farsightedness) and a slight astigmatism (a disordered depth perception).
In the beginning she thought this was rather nice because that way she got more attention at school, but after a while she sometimes was teased for it.
In the fifth class she was tested again during the medical examination at school, and her eyes were good when she had her glasses on.
Tessa was fed up with her glasses and she decided herself not to wear them any more in the sixth class. She believed that God could heal her eyes and she also prayed for it.
At the moment she is in the first year of the secondary school, and in March her eyes were examined once more. Without glasses, both her eyes got a 10/10 (we got the medical report and saw it put down in black and white) and she has a normal depth perception! Tessa was very glad with that, and she encouraged with her testimony everyone wearing glasses and tired of them...

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