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Healing during trip on Siloam

For many years already, the Siloam Foundation organize boat trips departing from Kampen (Holland). The last three years Hugo, Inger, Ann and Nadine were allowed to provide a Bible study on the ship, each time during one week. Last year the theme was "Life and abundance", this year "To understand Father's voice". Ank, a lady from Elburg, is joining in at the Siloam trips for 14 years already. We got to know her last year. Also this year she registered for the holiday week where we would speak. As soon as she got on the boat, she told her testimony of last year.

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God protects

Jasmijn relates:
"It is Monday morning. The schedule for the forenoon looks as follows: after breakfast to the market and after that still to the store too.
While I prepare myself, I pray to God. I ask Him to open my eyes for His goodness and for the small 'miracles' He is doing for us day after day.
09:30h. Finally we are standing at the front door, ready to leave. Given my tight schedule, I put up some speed. I am already on my way from the front door to the car, when suddenly Bram says he still wants to take a toy with him. I open the front door to about one full meter, and I go already on to the car. When I am fixing Jonas in the car, Bram comes running to me already and he comes and sits in the car too. I fasten him and we leave. First to market, then to the store. About a full one and a half hour later, we arrive back home. I loosen the boys and I walk to the front door... and it is still almost completely open!!! It takes a while before I realise that I had forgotten to close it.
Immediately I went to look around inside, but everything was just as we had left it. Nothing was missing, not even any keys! I am sure, our house has been protected by God Himself that morning! "

A whole new life

This New Year we received a very special card from Ria. It started as follows: “I would very much like to thank the Lord for the new life I received. To me psalm 103:5 "So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." is utterly real.
I go bicycling, swimming, I walk for miles with my dog, work in my garden... my bamboo forest is gradually turning into a real garden.”

In October 2012 it’s been two years that Ria is completely off medication. It all started back in 1987. Ria was following second-chance education. There she tumbled down the stairs. A few days later she fell from the stairs again, this time at home. When going for a walk with her husband, every so often her knees were giving way. Ria went to the doctor and was thoroughly examined. At first she was thought to have Multiple Sclerosis because of the loss of strength, in the end she lost consciousness and had severe epileptic seizures.

Over the years she saw many doctors, received loads of medication. At a certain time she was taking 7 different pills. Besides the epilepsy she also suffered from low blood pressure and severe vertigo. Each time she left the house, she would end up in the hospital because she would have a seizure. She was prescribed every possible medication, to no avail. When having a seizure at home, nothing was done, but when having a seizure outside she was each time brought to a hospital.

Ria was a prisoner in her own home. She would only leave the house to come to our church because someone would get her and bring her back. At church too she often had seizures, and for many years people faithfully prayed for her. Gradually Ria’s confidence grew and she got to know her heavenly Daddy better and better... and He promised healing!

One time she wanted to take an English class, but after having had several seizures there, she was no longer welcome. She was drowsy from the medication so she couldn’t manage her household by herself. To avoid disasters she absolutely needed to sleep the afternoons, much to Ria’s dislike.

By the fall of 2010 she was still taking 4 pills (anti epileptic drugs) per day. At a certain moment she realized she now and then forgot to take the evening pill without it causing problems... So Ria started considering stopping all the medication. She realized it would be useless to discuss it with the family doctor knowing she would never agree to it. Ria continued to see the doctor every month for prescriptions. One Sunday in October she discussed it with Ann after the service. Ann adviced her to gradually diminish the medication and certainly not stop it all at once. That afternoon Ria was with some other people at Dirk and Eva’s home. Dirk asked how things were with the medication... how could he know Ria considered stopping the medication. All of them prayed about it together.

Ria returned home continued the medication for a few more days and then just quit it all at once.... no seizures, no side effects. . . Slowly Ria regained strength. Now she can do everything again by herself: the household, the errands, she’s bicycling, walking miles with her dog, gardening. Before sitting in the sun for only brief moment would already trigger a seizure. . . now she can fully enjoy being in the sun! The low blood pressure and drowsiness disappeared completely.

As we asked what the reaction of the family doctor was, Ria said she hadn’t seen her in two years... there was no need to! Ria truly received a whole new life and she is really very happy with it!!!!

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