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Severe pain disappears completely

Sunday night Maria Calant got severe pain around her stomach. She has had ulcers before and immediately thought this was a similar thing.  Because of the pain she hardly slept that night and throughout Monday it didn’t get any better. She ate nothing that day and after a second sleepless night she called her daughter Nadine on Tuesday morning at 6 o’clock.  Nadine suggested to take her at once to E.R.

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More miraculous healings in old age

Dora sent us the following testimonies:

At the beginning of this year my father fell twice within a short period in his house. He could not remember what happened. His doctor thought it was a small tia (transient ischemic attack), a short interruption of the bloodstream in the brain). The blood analysis showed alarming levels due to increased thrombosis. He was rushed to “Gasthuisberg” (Leuven’s University Hospital) where they diagnosed him with pneumonia, four ulcers and 4th grade inflammation of the esophagus. They started antibiotics. At first my daddy seemed to recover slowly, but he kept complaining about unexplainable headaches. We had to celebrate his 91st birthday in hospital.

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Spectacular recovery after unanimous prayer

12th March we received an urgent prayer request from Hans and Gerda Eijsackers, co-workers with Gods Ambassade Netherlands). They asked prayer for Leeuwke, the 1,5 year old grandson of Gerda’s brother. He was on a respirator in the Intensive Care unit. The doctors did not know just what exactly went wrong.

On Sunday 9th March, his parents were in church when the nursery leader called his mother out of the service because Leeuwke wasn’t well. She was shocked when she saw him, she had never seen him this drowsy, he lay sprawled in the stroller, his complexion was fiery red and he was barely moving. He was prayed for right away in the service en then his parents took him home.

At home Leeuwke started vomiting, and that continued through the night. On Monday morning his mother took him to the family doctor, but he reassured her there was no fear for dehydration. By six o’clock her husband called the GP as Leeuwke was getting worse. They could come right away and were immediately sent to the pediatrician. Leeuwke was admitted to the hospital and they launched rehydration (the diagnosis was dehydration). In the Netherlands the protocol prescribes to first try to administer fluids via a probe in the intestines twice (usually this works very well with children) before starting intravenous rehydration.

The probe in the intestines did not work and by the morning they started with IV. Leeuwke got worse and worse, he was nearly unconscious. The pediatrician was all shaky, it seemed to go completely wrong. She needed to insert the IV, but it worked nowhere, so finally she inserted it in his little forehead.

His blood pressure dropped dramatically, his heart rate was consistently above 200, subcutaneous bruises showed up, an ambulance –the sirens screaming- brought Leeuwke to the University Hospital in Amsterdam. It took the doctors two hours to stabilize Leeuwke’s condition. He had a septic shock.

When the parents asked the doctor if Leeuwke could die, he answered that their son was very ill and that he couldn’t guarantee he would survive.

We joined in prayer right away and put him in our prayer box at church. After 5 days of intensively administering fluids and vasopressors, Leeuwke’s blood pressure was still very low.

Then in the night of Saturday to Sunday 16-17 march both Gerda’s brother and Hans prayed powerfully – they didn’t know this from each other. The next morning the parents were told that Leeuwke’s body suddenly spontaneously recovered. The doctors were utterly amazed! Two days later Leeuwke left the intensive care unit. It still took a while to get off the heavy medication he had received, but he recovered completely! In June the parents had a chat with doctor of the intensive care unit. He was still perplexed at the sudden recovery of Leeuwke and also that it was utterly complete, not a trace of the terrible condition remained!

Thank You Father for Your life in Leeuwke!

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