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Sister in law with severe abdominal pain heals instantly


This is one of the assignments with which Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the cities of Israel. It is still valid for us who are His disciples today. Ela took this up and sent us some of her testimonies (for which we are grateful!):

“A few months ago my sister in law called me. She was crying with severe abdominal pain. She said it hurt so much just like being in labor. I asked if I could pray for her. After praying, it was very quiet at the other end. I asked if something happened in her body.

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Fasting days continue to work through

Ignace recently told us the following via e-mail:

“I want to look back for a while to the Fasting days in Cornimont held the beginning of this year. To date I am still very encouraged by the spiritual impulse that you (Ann) received at the end of testimony session, Saturday afternoon 28 January. I was the last one to come to the front. At that moment you communicated a word from the Lord for me. I experience a clear improvement in my health condition as well as in my general condition.

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Beginning of January we received a birth announcement with the following message: “Our daughter is born! Minte is her name, that means “powerful” and so she is. She is very healthy and all is well. We want to thank you explicitly for all your prayers.

What you have done is very special. Heaven rejoices giving honor and glory to God. What an abundance we share with each other!” Lots of love from Wynand, Caroline, Leeuwke and Minte Smit.

Minte is Leeuwke’s sister. The whole church prayed for Leeuwke when he had a life threatening infection but it completely healed miraculously!
After Leeuwke they longed for a second child. The first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. A second pregnancy seemed to go wrong as well. Caroline had a nasty bacteria in the intestines that cannot be destroyed. Caroline asked for prayer. From that moment on Danny put her every month in the prayer box… and now a healthy baby is born!

Tamara sent us also a nice baby testimony:
“Geert’s sister in law was pregnant. We were sitting at the table and someone asked:’How is the baby?’ She started to cry and told us there was a great possibility of the baby having Down syndrome. A last blood test would give a definite answer. She would get the result after three weeks. I immediately asked our Father to heal the baby and I had a deep assurance this would happen. After three weeks (for them in anxious waiting) the verdict came: everything is all right with the baby!!! HURRAH! Thank you Father!”

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