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Deep inner healing after divorce

Where to start when writing down a testimony of a healing of the heart and the inner man?
A healing that transformed heartbreaking pain into a new life.

In 2009 I discovered that my husband was having an affair with another women. The confrontation with this fact was for him the starting point to move to her place, for my it was the beginning of a relationship with God. Although a neighbor told me that night – after I called her with the message “HELP! I am ready to do something stupid” – that Jesus also died for this case and that I could go with her to church the next morning, I told her I did not need it. She stayed most of that night with me, but she did not insist.

The next morning I called her with the following message: “Rush to my place, but do not wait fifteen more minutes, or I will not go with you anymore.”

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Healing school is still highly recommended

Ans and Albert from the Netherlands attended our latest healing school in Belgium.
They sent us an e-mail explaining how they experienced the school:

“We delighted in coming to the Healing School. It built up our faith, not only in the area of healing, but it also deepened our relation with Father. Especially the first session brought us in such an atmosphere of love and acceptance; we were still enjoying it over the days after.

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Dora tells her story:
“I want to quickly tell you about a recent special blessing, a blessing that is directly connected to the sow-box. At the beginning of the service on Sunday (on the day the Fatherheartschool would begin) I noticed I only had some small change and one 20 euro banknote left.

After the service I was to join the association that promotes physical exercise for women having had breast cancer, for their annual walk at 1:30pm in Korbeek-Lo. In between I would bring my daughter to a friend, so no time left to find an ATM to get some money. Soon mixed feelings troubled me. On one hand I usually put something in the sow-box on the other I knew that meant I would be without money after the walk.

 It is the habit to go for pancakes and a drink with the girls after the walk, just for fun but also as a way to support our association.

The latter option was the more attractive one, but as the service started I soon felt I would fail God and the pancake later that day could never be tasty.

The service dealt with the certainty we may have deep in our heart we can trust God in everything and so I did put my banknote in the sow-box. As I arrived for the walk my friends had just left –I had texted them not to wait for me and I would catch up with them. I enjoyed the gorgeous weather and the surroundings when suddenly, not even a km further I spotted a 20 euro banknote on the road. There were no houses, no one was around, and there just was this bank note lying on the ground. Isn’t that wondrous? The pancakes after the walk tasted ever so good and there was some money left over to give the association a little extra. God does take care of us and in everything. Thank You, Father!”

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