Since the Christmas period Nathalie was suffering from pain in both her wrists. It started with a stiff feeling, as if she had sprained or overburdened both her wrists. Yet there wasn't any indication for that. When Nathalie wanted to do something practical, such as cooking, serving the food or to do some gardening, it became still worse. Even writing gave her trouble!
Werner and Nathalie love to dedicate themselves to the Kingdom and they help wherever they can. It is their dream and wish to start a project in Africa, where they want to go and feed the children. Whenever she was in pain, also this kind of thoughts came: "I'll never be able to do that...".
She had prayed for it several times already, together with Werner and the children. As a result, the pain usually diminished a little or it went away for a while, but it always kept on returning.
Nathalie attended two parts of the healing school. Since that moment she started to address the pain and her wrists and she also learned to break her negative thoughts and to replace them by proper thoughts. That did already make a big difference.
Yet the pain kept on returning. It felt as if a cord was fastened around her wrists, which was more and more tightened. She had very little feeling in her hands and she even wondered if the blood was still able to stream through her wrists. In the beginning of March the pain became so violent that Nathalie and Werner wanted to go to the emergency ward. On the 4th of March, after the Sunday meeting in 't Bad in Kessel-Lo, Nathalie walked to Ann and she asked for prayer for her wrists. They prayed for a short time together.
That afternoon they were about to do something with the family. Immediately the children asked: "but can mum do that?"; because Nathalie had been in such a pain for weeks. Mum could do it, the pain had completely vanished, and Nathalie did not suffer from it any more since that Sunday!