
Experiencing Father’s love: looking back on a wonderful Fatherheartschool

In 2004, as we were attending a Fatherheart school in Den Hague, we had the strong impression we could invite this school to Belgium. Shortly after we contacted the Faterheart team from New Zealand and picked a date: 13th to 19th November 2005. Quite a challenge… who wants to invest an entire week plus money in a weeks ’teaching and ministering on the theme ‘’the Fatherheart of God’’?

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Giving birth with Jesus

On a Sunday after church, Ilse, 39 weeks into her pregnancy, told us she had been feeling so much better at the same moment during her two previous pregnancies which had been very special and God-blessed.

Both times there were clear signs in advance that her body was preparing for childbirth: the softening of the neck of the womb and already a bit of dilatation.

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Lisa, the granddaughter of Eugeen and Joséé (church members), started to straighten herself up and to stand on her little legs at the age of 14 months. She did not start walking right away, but this is not unusual... When she was about 16 months, all people in her surroundings noticed that she straightened herself up in a special way.

She managed to walk at the right hand, but when she was given a hand on the left side, it went wrong. It looked as if she didn't use her left leg well. So one decided to consult a doctor. During the first consultation a radiography and an ultrasound scan proved that the left leg did not fit well in the socket of the articulation, so that she could not lean on that leg. They considered a plaster corset at night and a calliper splint during the day... a treatment that might take a few years. Before they would start the treatment, Lisa should come back one more time for a more specialised examination. In the mean time Eugeen and Josée and with them still a lot of other people had started praying. At the second consultation this special examination proved to be totally normal. Suddenly also all symptoms proved to have disappeared in a very short time and Lisa started to walk around happily. Nevertheless, the doctor considered it advisable to have still a third consultation as a control... and everything remained normal. They could not give much of an explanation for this sudden change...


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