
Fasting days: a unique event

From 24 to 26 January we had again a few fasting days, this time in “de Boerekreek” in St.-Jan-in-Eremo (East-Flanders). It was the first time we went to this location and that always gives some extra tension. Will the rooms be ok? Will it be warm enough over there? Last year in the Ardennes it was very cold the first day since the heating was not up in time…
We were warmly welcomed by the staff of “de Boerekreek” and we got the restaurant for our meetings. The rooms were very clean and all rooms had a separate bathroom with a shower and a toilet and it was nicely warm everywhere, which is very nice when fasting a few days.

We enjoyed times of marvelous worship, powerful studies, many moments of silences – In which we could soak or go for a walk in the beautiful nature surrounding the center – and times of prayer for each other, the country, our churches and many other subjects.
As Tamara put it nicely: “We have been fed very well once again!”

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God heals powerfully

The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.
The right hand of the Lord is exalted:
The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the Lord. Psalm 118:15-17 (KJV)

The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!
The Lord’s right hand is lifted high;
The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!
I will not die but live,
and will proclaim what the Lord has done. Psalm 118:15-17 (NIV)

On January 22, in our church, we were able to dedicate Raphaël, the 1-year old son of Jiska and Jonathan, in the midst of his family, to our heavenly Father. A happy event! During this service we again reflected about the great miracle our heavenly Papa did for Jiska.

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Bronchitis was a phenomenon Josée was very familiar with... a few times a year she had to contend with it and then she had to stay inside for quite a time and to take medication. As a child already she was troubled by it...she often coughed yellow lumps and she drank quite some cough mixture in the course of her life. Having a phone call with Ann she told that she invariably used to have a bronchitis in the period between Shrovetide and Easter.

Pronouncing this, she realised it was not a good pronunciation. Together with Ann she broke these words and she picked up that Jesus wanted her to be healthy, also between Shrovetide and Easter. This happened quite some time before Easter 2007. Since then she has not had a bronchitis any more. In the beginning of November she did get a cold but this time it did not develop further into a bronchitis... very quick she was completely recovered again!
In 1996 she went through a TIA (transient ischemic attack). It started with a painful, sleepy foot and went up to her leg and arm and the corner of her mouth was weird. She was thinking all the time she would not become 60. Also this thought she let go with the Lord. In the meantime Josée is almost 72 but a lot healthier than before she became a Christian. She is living alone but she does everything with Jesus. She also talks about everything with Him. At the moment she is making and installing a new kitchen by herself. For this she had to make a hole for a passage in a 17 cm thick wall. Recently, when coals were delivered for her stove and she could not get help right away, she herself took 95 coal-sacks of 25 kg each in a wheelbarrow to the back of the house... Where again it is written "in old age, they will stay fresh and green..." For also Moses only really started his ministry when he was 80... At the 25 year jubilee of Hugo and Inger last summer she blessed them with at least another 25 years... they accepted this but they added to it they expected Josée to be there then with them too... and she is very willing to! She is grateful for every year she receives from the Lord and is transforming her little house in order to keep on living in it a long time...


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