
Given up by the medical doctors in Belgium, but not by God


This is one of the assignments with which Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the cities of Israel. It is still valid for us who are His disciples today. Ela took this up and sent us some of her testimonies (for which we are grateful!):

I have an acquaintance. She was given up. She is 43 and had a cerebral aneurysm. It started bleeding twice. As a result she was paralysed on one side and nearly blind in one eye. No one in Belgium dared to perform surgery.

I prayed for her for a long time. After many months I went back to visit her. When she answered the door, I could hardly believe what I saw:

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A whole new life

Here is the story of how Tamara met Jesus and how He changed her life completely.

Here is how she tells her story:

“I grew up in a Catholic family. From the age of 10 till I was 14, I went faithfully to church every Sunday although under mild pressure of my Grandma. I believed in God and read the Bible in those years. However, I didn’t like church: cold and very unpleasant to be there as a child.

In the following years faith was shut out completely. Church was expendable.

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"It happened early in August at the seaside. Jasmijn, my daughter, and me were sitting on the beach. The children were playing at a distance of 4 or 5 meters from us in the front of the water. Suddenly I heard Bram screaming and I just still saw how he fell through his legs.

He tried to stand up again, he was leaning on his left foot and when he lifted his right leg in order to take a step, I literally could see his little right foot dangling at the leg... it looked as if it was completely dislocated and as if it was only hanging fastened to the skin. When he wanted to put down his right foot, it swept aside, and again he cried out and he fell down. It took me two steps to reach him and I lifted him up. I have prayed immediately, together with Jasmijn, and I have proclaimed recovery, power and strength over his foot and over his ankle joint. We sent all pain away in Jesus' name. Almost immediately Bram stopped crying. We put him on his feet and we told him that he could go on playing. At the first steps he still limped a little, but after that it was totally in order again... thank You, Jesus!"


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