
A happy grandmother relates

"It happened early in August at the seaside. Jasmijn, my daughter, and me were sitting on the beach. The children were playing at a distance of 4 or 5 meters from us in the front of the water. Suddenly I heard Bram screaming and I just still saw how he fell through his legs.

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Whoever offers praise glorifies Me ..


On Saturday the 16th of April, Ludo went to sit down at night on the edge of his bed, and he felt something darting into his groin and thigh bone.
When he wanted to sit down, he had to stretch his leg, otherwise it was too painful. Ludo prayed for it immediately and he proclaimed the Word of God over his body.

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By this time, Theo and Maria come to our church for 14 years already. At the moment Theo is 78 years young, Maria is 75.
They both have been cured already several times of a variety of ailments. So Theo was cured quite some time ago of poor eyesight, which caused him not to be able or to dare to drive a car any more in the evening... at the moment he is driving at night without problems!

As long as we know Theo, he hears less with his right ear. For that reason he always wants to sit in front of the meeting, and he goes to the right side in order to sit close to the boxes. In small meetings, such as an evening for the co-workers, he always tries to sit close to the speaker.
Half February we prayed during a Sunday service for all people with some pain somewhere. Quite a group of people was standing in front, including Theo. Quite some time ago he had had a torn muscle in his left upper leg. It still caused him pain and trouble when he had to start walking. When he was standing in front, Ann said something in the microphone, but Theo did not understand her. He turned backwards to the man behind and he asked what Ann had said. He answered, but also this answer Theo could not understand... He was so frustrated about the fact that his hearing was so bad, that he put his finger into his right ear and he prayed for his hearing.
Last week it was again a co-workers evening, for the intercessors.

Ann saw that Theo was sitting at the back, and asked him to come and sit by her side, so that he might hear everything better. However, due to circumstances we started that evening with a report on the trip a few members of the church made to Israel. They were sitting all in the rear, and yet Theo could understand them. After that quite some people present in the room prayed and read from the Bible... Theo was able to follow everything!
Some other evening he was at home and watched TV together with Maria. The back door was locked and the connecting door was closed. All of a sudden he heard a soft knocking on the back door. Theo jumped to his feet and unlocked the door. There stood his neighbour who came to ask for some milk... Maria did not understand it at all, she had not heard anything at all!
Theo is very grateful that now also this hearing problem has been cured completely by Jesus. He is a living testimony to the fact that God wants his children "to stay fresh and green in old age". So he eagerly and often proclaims to everyone he meets that God is a real Daddy!!! (Psalm 92 verses 14 and 15)

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