
Heel spur clompletely healed

A few years ago, Ann was allowed to speak at a Women Aglow morning in Limburg. There Annie was one of the ladies present and she listened with fascination to Ann's story. A few months later, Annie called Ann and she asked if she could come over for a conversation. Annie had a lot of medical problems too and Ann could explain her how Jesus also wanted to be her Physician.

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Double healing of the eyes

Recently François and Els had to go to a funeral in the family on a Tuesday afternoon. They had already informed us that they probably would not be able to come to the meeting that evening. Contrary to their expectation, they returned home at about 18.30 o'clock. They decided to go to the meeting all the same, but  François still wanted to eat a bowl of soup first. He went to the garage and bent down in the dark to lift up the cauldron from the floor. In doing so, he knocked his right eye against an iron bar of a clothes horse.

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Signs and wonders on the Siloam

This year again we went sailing on the Siloam from 30th June till 5th July. “Father’s healing love, more than ever!” was the theme of this conference. Here follow some of the many testimonies.

André en Martha Ceelen have been joining us on the Siloam for quite some years now. Each year we may pray fort heir health. This year André could only walk very short distances. Each time we left the ship for a trip on the shore Martha pushed him around in a wheelchair. About one month after the conference they sent us this mail: “Today, it’s been four week since I last wore my ankle straps! My feet are still not quite in the right position in relation to my legs but I haven’t sprained my ankles since, not even once. I can walk longer and longer distances. This week I walked back and forth to the local library for the first time in two years: 1,5km! At night the ankles are a bit swollen, but in the mornings they’re back to normal. We don’t understand it but we are very grateful that I can move around again. After you prayed for Martha, she’s now down to 1 tablet for her blood pressure and it’s working fine. Her blood pressure is now around 120-87! We are so thankful, thanks be to the Almighty and thank you for your continuous prayers. Thank you, Hugo and team!”

Bertie, who came along as volunteer on the boat, had a trigger finger (on the little finger) and it was healed one evening during a conversation with Hugo and Father. You can get a trigger finger by a hardening of the tendon after tendonitis. When you bend your finger, you cannot spontaneously straighten it again. She wore a finger sheath on her little finger to keep it straight. Normally the nodule could only be removed surgically. First the pain disappeared, a little later she could move her finger normally, the next morning the nodule had disappeared as well. Bertie could bend and straighten her little finger perfectly!

Annie, another volunteer on the boat, had fallen with her bike in January with a complicated ankle fracture as result. She was still in pain, could not walk long distances and could not stand on her toes. She knew us from previous boat trips and came expecting a healing. During the healing session Hugo prayed for her. That same night she came out of bed and -still in pyjamas- went around showing everyone she wasn’t limping anymore, she wasn’t having any pain and she could stand on her toes without difficulty… that had been impossible since she fell!

Harry had fallen from a ladder at home and his left rib cage was really hurting badly. He hadn’t gone to the doctor but Ann and Nadine suspected severe bruises and even some broken ribs. He could absolutely not sleep on his left side and at the littlest touch he’d jump up with pain. He was prayed for during Wednesday’s healing service. Later that night he asked Hugo to hit his left rib cage. Hugo did, very carefully, but Harry insisted to really hit hard. The pain had completely vanished and from that night on he could sleep on his left side without any problem!

Suzanne Peeters also fell from a ladder some two months prior to the Siloam trip. She was still hurting all over, her neck, her back and also other parts of her body. After prayer the pain was just gone. She went to bed right away, next morning she told us she had been singing and walking the whole night with the Lord. She didn’t even hear the bell ringing in the morning!

Joke told us she had come to the boat without hope, she had accepted her situation; but she profoundly experienced Father’s love and left the boat with hope!

Els, too, told us she experiences an ever deeper healing, like with an onion, peel after peel. The word touched her very profoundly and more than ever before she realizes how completely Father loves her…she returned home tremendously built up! The first night François suffered a severe allergy attack. After just a few sneezes, he could hardly breathe as his sinuses and tonsils were swelling. He could not sleep, so he started to proclaim Bible verses and to pray in tongues… without result! After quite some time a thought crossed his mind that he should stop fighting “for the Lord provides for those He loves while they are asleep” (Psalm 127:2). So he let go and a couple of minutes later he could breathe freely and he fell asleep!!

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