
Healing during trip on Siloam

For many years already, the Siloam Foundation organize boat trips departing from Kampen (Holland). The last three years Hugo, Inger, Ann and Nadine were allowed to provide a Bible study on the ship, each time during one week. Last year the theme was "Life and abundance", this year "To understand Father's voice". Ank, a lady from Elburg, is joining in at the Siloam trips for 14 years already. We got to know her last year. Also this year she registered for the holiday week where we would speak. As soon as she got on the boat, she told her testimony of last year.

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Supernatural protection, we can't do without

On a Friday afternoon Lana, who had just become three, was at the house of her grandma and grandpa, Danny and Hugo. Danny had just gone upstairs to do something still to do on the computer. Lana had followed Danny. Danny turned the computer off and promised her granddaughter they would go downstairs and do puzzles together. Lana was very enthusiastic about this. She was standing on top of the stairs and Danny was following her.

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In March 2012 the back specialist told Ludwine she needed surgery. She had a narrowing of the spinal canal thereby pinching the nerves.

Without surgery, this would lead to paralysis of the legs and life in a wheelchair. She was startled at this diagnosis, but together with Jesus she could cope. So we prayed for a smooth surgery and a miraculous recovery. On 28th June 2012 Ludwine had a successful surgery. The rehabilitation took a long time but went smoothly. All the while Ludwine kept saying she couldn’t have gone through this without her faith in a loving Father who gave her the strength to persevere with patience and in tranquility. The many cards, phone calls, prayers and visits of people from church were certainly a big help too.

At the last check up at the specialist one year after the surgery X-rays were taken. The specialist was visibly surprised and said that the cartilage at the spot of the surgery was restored. This is exceptional as with most patients this takes up to 3 or 4 years but Ludwine was already healed! Now Ludwine could tell the doctor that she was very grateful for his precious hands but also that she prayed and that God took over once the specialist had finished his part!

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