
How significant a healing conference can be

Susan from the Netherlands tells her story:

“Last March I came with my mother to your healing conference in Vaalbeek (in Belgium). I just want to let you know how things are going."

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Fasting days: a unique event

From 24 to 26 January we had again a few fasting days, this time in “de Boerekreek” in St.-Jan-in-Eremo (East-Flanders). It was the first time we went to this location and that always gives some extra tension. Will the rooms be ok? Will it be warm enough over there? Last year in the Ardennes it was very cold the first day since the heating was not up in time…
We were warmly welcomed by the staff of “de Boerekreek” and we got the restaurant for our meetings. The rooms were very clean and all rooms had a separate bathroom with a shower and a toilet and it was nicely warm everywhere, which is very nice when fasting a few days.

We enjoyed times of marvelous worship, powerful studies, many moments of silences – In which we could soak or go for a walk in the beautiful nature surrounding the center – and times of prayer for each other, the country, our churches and many other subjects.
As Tamara put it nicely: “We have been fed very well once again!”

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Here is the story of how Tamara met Jesus and how He changed her life completely.

Here is how she tells her story:

“I grew up in a Catholic family. From the age of 10 till I was 14, I went faithfully to church every Sunday although under mild pressure of my Grandma. I believed in God and read the Bible in those years. However, I didn’t like church: cold and very unpleasant to be there as a child.

In the following years faith was shut out completely. Church was expendable.

Somewhere I had read Jesus said: ‘Split a piece of wood and I’m there. Lift up a stone and you will find Me.’ And so my life continued calmly it’s course…

Twenty years later I met Robby. He is an evangelical Christian and his heart is filled with love for the Father. I couldn’t quite grasp this and wanted to know where that came from. So I ended up at Gods Ambassade. Months passed by. I started to read the Bible again and I attended Sunday service regularly. I knew God existed but I lacked the deep conviction I saw in church.

Through a combination of circumstances my world was falling apart. In the night of 6th to 7th September 2014 I was overwhelmed with grief. I asked God: ”What must I do?” He answered with one simple word: “Belief!” I went to sleep with a saddened heart and had a very restless sleep. A bright light woke me, at first I didn’t pay attention to it, thinking it came from outside. A little later, again there was this bright light. This time I experienced a powerful presence. I didn’t dare to open my eyes, but I knew I was wide awake. A warmth flowed through me, I never experienced this before and I felt very comforted. For a long time I thought it was an angel that comforted me. Now I know it was Father Himself who took me in His arms that night.

The following day I went to church together with Robby. We were celebrating the 25th anniversary of Gods Ambassade. I managed through the day on autopilot, that evening we split up. We had one more conversation. Robby said: “If God says: ‘belief!’, then why do you still doubt? Doubt is Satan’s work!”.
I got in my car and said out loud: “Satan, huh! Well, Satan, you better quickly get out of my life, I don’t want anything to do with you!” At once I was filled with that same warmth I felt during the night. In that moment, my world totally changed. I was singing the whole way back home. The next day as I was walking from the parking lot to my job, it seemed like the world around me had become smaller.

I told Ann about it and in her presence I very consciously gave my life to Jesus.I was baptized on 9th December 2014 but it was on that particular 7th September that my new life began. It is a date that marks both the saddest day and the happiest day of my life. On that day in 2002 my father died of cancer and on that same day in 2014 Father found me.

These days, my heart still sings: ‘No more to roam, I’ve found my home. Hallelujah in my heart I’m not alone! Love walks with me. Hallelujah, in my heart!”
And He is right: one simple word is enough: ‘BELIEVE!’

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