
Testimony Danny – Theater weekend

In January a whole team from our church went to the theatre weekend of Carla Veldhuis in the Netherlands. This has become an annual tradition...

Danny, who went with us from the start, tells us part of her story:

"In 2015 the three of us decided to go from Belgium to the theatre weekend of Carla Veldhuis in the Netherlands. I was a bit nervous about it and also a bit worried that we would be among the oldest attendees, even though I was very hungry for more. Arriving on Friday evening our suspicion was immediately confirmed: our grey hair stood out among that of many other young participants. I saw a somewhat older couple and immediately felt a little better. Later on, these people turned out to be no ordinary participants, they were part of the prayer team.

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Healed from neck pain and headache that lasted for years

We’ll let Lutgart speak:

For years I suffered from several kinds of headaches:
migraine, neck pain that resulted in severe headaches and chronic sinusitis.

The first migraine attack started about 35 years ago right after the birth of my daughter. From that moment on these attacks were frequent: usually once a week. Such an attack lasted for 3 days and then sometimes started again the next day.

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A pinched nerve loosens after prayer

Carine tells the story:

“It was Monday 6th January, during the course of the day I began to have an awkward feeling in my left buttock … it was quite painful! It felt as if something was clamped. Tuesday I went to the evening service having the feeling my left leg was shorter than the right one.
After the meeting I went to Ann, she said it was probably a compressed nerve. She prayed for me, I received it… and was convinced it would be all right.
Wednesday evening, I suddenly realized the pain was gone. That night I wholeheartedly thanked my Heavenly Papa, He truly is wonderful!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life… and yours too of course!”

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