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Testimony Astrid Father heart school 2019

 “Since the first time I went to the Father heart school in 2005, I have experienced that gradually a firm foundation was being laid in my once empty soul. In this way Father's love could and can be poured out deeper and deeper.

Mark told us that the more our hearts are being filled with Father's love, the more the traumas surface to finally disappear. I used to be very shy and ashamed and always felt guilty, sad and inferior. I was so ashamed that in a group I hardly dared say my name. Since then I have received a lot of healing. Now I know I am the daughter of my Heavenly Father.

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Healed from chronical bronchitis and healthier than before

Bronchitis was a phenomenon Josée was very familiar with... a few times a year she had to contend with it and then she had to stay inside for quite a time and to take medication. As a child already she was troubled by it...she often coughed yellow lumps and she drank quite some cough mixture in the course of her life. Having a phone call with Ann she told that she invariably used to have a bronchitis in the period between Shrovetide and Easter.

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Healing of incontinence

We allow Josée herself to speak:"In 1991 I got troubled by muscle paralysis; also the internal muscles were attacked, such as the oesophagus and the sphincter to keep up urine and stool. I had to practice training of the muscles of the bottom of my pelvis, in an attempt to strengthen the muscles. Yet this did not lead to much.

Ultimately Myalgic Encephalopathy (M.E.) was diagnosed, and I even ended up in a wheelchair. I was completely cured from M.E. in August 1994, and also the sphincter muscles recovered completely. Some years after my recovery I got troubled by loss of urine again. This time the exercises did help, but at every effort or fit of coughing (especially at night) there always was this embarrassing spillage. Yet I managed to shift as best as I could to keep on functioning in a way which was as good as normal.
However, in 2007, after a heavy bronchitis, the misery of a continuous loss of urine started again, this time not only exclusively when I made heavy efforts but at every step, and most of all when I stood up from my chair and when I went upstairs and downstairs.

When I had to sneeze or cough it was a complete disaster! The exercises nearly did not help any more. It became so bad that I felt ashamed to get in touch with other people further on. I almost did not dare to go to church any more, although the people who know me know that I seldom missed a church meeting. I did not know what to do any more at all! Because I stayed away from church, Ann called me. I told her about my burden and my shame. Ann prayed for me and at that moment I knew that the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. I thanked Ann for her prayer and the Lord for His healing. Two days later I spoke to this incontinence that it had no longer power over me and that I would decide myself where I would go and what I would do, instead of my sphincter muscles! From that moment on I made every step in belief and a week later all "makeshifts" were superfluous. I don't have to tell you how free I feel again! Father really is involved with every part of our lives!


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