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God gave Ria a complete new life during the Fatherheartschool

Ria has been coming to our church even from before it was officially established. Through Josée and Eugeen she came to the then prayergroup. She couldn’t attend her church anymore because of frequent and severe epileptic seizures. Her therapist advised her to come to the group on Tuesday nights. Ria says she never quite knew why this woman gave her this advice. At first she came just to get out of the house for a little while.

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How great Thou art!

It was my desire to once participate in a Fatherheart School or a conference of Gods Ambassade. I had great doubts as to whether this would ever become reality.

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Recently François and Els had to go to a funeral in the family on a Tuesday afternoon. They had already informed us that they probably would not be able to come to the meeting that evening. Contrary to their expectation, they returned home at about 18.30 o'clock. They decided to go to the meeting all the same, but  François still wanted to eat a bowl of soup first. He went to the garage and bent down in the dark to lift up the cauldron from the floor. In doing so, he knocked his right eye against an iron bar of a clothes horse.

He started to shout at the top of his voice and Els rushed up to him. She immediately went for an ice-bag which he held upon his eye for a quarter. In the meantime François and Els were deliberating what they would do. François's eye was aching very much, the pain ran from the eye up to the back of his brainpan, and he was totally incapable of shutting the eye. It felt as if there was a needle in it. After some deliberation, François chose to set off for the meeting anyway. He believed that it was the best place to be healed. So they drove to the meeting together. On their arrival, they told the fellow workers who were setting up everything what had happened. Stijn and Eugeen promptly prayed for him. Quite soon the violent pain vanished, but François still couldn't shut his eye. That evening was an evening of worship. Word and prayer. They did not pray specifically for healing, but after quite an hour all complaints François had, had gone completely and he was perfectly capable of shutting his eye. You don't have to convince François any more of the importance of a church meeting...

But this was not the only recovery of his eyes!

A few months ago, while working, François started to notice that he could not see that sharp any more on his computer. He thought he was in need of a small pair of spectacles by now, and bought a cheap specimen somewhere. It suited perfectly. Sometime after this, while worshipping in church, Inger spoke about sharp, perfect eyes... it appealed very much to François, and he told God that he wanted this very much. Some weeks later, the people who wanted prayer for some illness or other could go forward in the church. François went forward, but was not concerned about his eyes at all. Other people in the church were asked to step forward to pray for these brothers and sisters in need, and to bless them. François had his eyes closed when he heard Werner's voice behind him, blessing him with sharp eyes and a perfect sight. Since then, François doesn't need his small pair of spectacles anymore!

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