
Sermon o/t week

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God heals powerfully

The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.
The right hand of the Lord is exalted:
The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the Lord. Psalm 118:15-17 (KJV)

The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!
The Lord’s right hand is lifted high;
The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!
I will not die but live,
and will proclaim what the Lord has done. Psalm 118:15-17 (NIV)

On January 22, in our church, we were able to dedicate Raphaël, the 1-year old son of Jiska and Jonathan, in the midst of his family, to our heavenly Father. A happy event! During this service we again reflected about the great miracle our heavenly Papa did for Jiska.

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Heel spur clompletely healed

A few years ago, Ann was allowed to speak at a Women Aglow morning in Limburg. There Annie was one of the ladies present and she listened with fascination to Ann's story. A few months later, Annie called Ann and she asked if she could come over for a conversation. Annie had a lot of medical problems too and Ann could explain her how Jesus also wanted to be her Physician.

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For many years already, the Siloam Foundation organize boat trips departing from Kampen (Holland). The last three years Hugo, Inger, Ann and Nadine were allowed to provide a Bible study on the ship, each time during one week. Last year the theme was "Life and abundance", this year "To understand Father's voice". Ank, a lady from Elburg, is joining in at the Siloam trips for 14 years already. We got to know her last year. Also this year she registered for the holiday week where we would speak. As soon as she got on the boat, she told her testimony of last year.

Last year on the boat she received a tremendous rest regarding her children she had not seen for years. She experienced this as an enormous cesspool being opened by the Lord. All caboodle was taken out of it and it became filled with the love of the Lord. Since then she has complete peace in her heart regarding the situation with her grandchildren, which she does not know at all.
On a certain moment last year, Ank had fainted beside the boat. Ann and Nadine, who are both doctors, were called for. Ank told she was taking medication for a high blood pressure. In addition she had diabetes, for which she was on a diet, and she suffered from overweight. Ann told her that she could improve in health, yes, that even the medication could be stopped with the help of God.

At that moment, Ank was not able at all to catch this. Nevertheless, one week after the Siloam trip she started to diet herself and to go in for sports. After three weeks she had a very rough time, but she started to realise that this was no coincidence, but that the Lord had "turned a switch" in her, so to speak. From that moment on, she asked Him every morning to help her to keep on sticking to the diet. In November she stopped dieting and she had lost 8 kg. About this time she had to be checked by her general practitioner. The diabetes had gone and she was allowed to stop one of her blood pressure medicines. But the other one she had to take further on. In January she started dieting anew and one month before the Siloam trip she was allowed to stop the other blood pressure medication too. At that moment she had lost 16 kg of weight, she was delivered from high blood pressure and diabetes... all with the help of God! Also her stomach medication, which she had been taking during many years, could be stopped. And so happened what we had told her, and what, at that time on the boat, she had considered to be impossible... Ank looked splendid!


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