That cat had a serious ear infection and she had lost a lot of weight. I had not seen her for weeks. She almost did not react any more, and when cats almost don't move any more it means that they have given up and that they are going to die. The pus was running badly out of her ear, so she was in terrible pain. I prayed and I tried to put my hands on her. I put milk and food close to where she was lying and I went to sleep. The next morning I came to her and the stench had completely gone, the pus was nearly gone, she allowed me to caress her, her eyes were bright again and all the food had been eaten! He does not only heal people but also the animals if we pray for them!
A whole new life
"I would very much like to thank the Lord for the new life I received!"
Read more ...How to bring good news to your neighbors
Ans Timman is a team member of Obed , the late Martie Haaijer’s ministry. She is 77 now and she still regularly sends us prayer requests and news from Holland. Recently we received a mail that we gladly share with you (with her permission).
“I think I told you before about my neighbor boy who was burnt and now he is paralyzed and unable to do anything. I thought I asked prayer for him but I’m not sure about that.
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