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Sister in law with severe abdominal pain heals instantly


This is one of the assignments with which Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the cities of Israel. It is still valid for us who are His disciples today. Ela took this up and sent us some of her testimonies (for which we are grateful!):

“A few months ago my sister in law called me. She was crying with severe abdominal pain. She said it hurt so much just like being in labor. I asked if I could pray for her. After praying, it was very quiet at the other end. I asked if something happened in her body.

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Breast cancer must make way for faithfull prayer

Sunday the 11th of November 2007 is a day Maria won't easily forget. For that morning she felt a big hump in her left breast. Immediately a lot of bad thoughts ran through her head: cancer... and even a quickly growing one too... Maria was totally upset and she wept quite a lot that morning. At first she did not want to go to church, because she knew everyone would ask her how she was doing.

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A pinched nerve loosens after prayer

Carine tells the story:

“It was Monday 6th January, during the course of the day I began to have an awkward feeling in my left buttock … it was quite painful! It felt as if something was clamped. Tuesday I went to the evening service having the feeling my left leg was shorter than the right one.
After the meeting I went to Ann, she said it was probably a compressed nerve. She prayed for me, I received it… and was convinced it would be all right.
Wednesday evening, I suddenly realized the pain was gone. That night I wholeheartedly thanked my Heavenly Papa, He truly is wonderful!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life… and yours too of course!”

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