
Sermon o/t week

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Extravasation of blood dissapears between the Netherlands and Belgium

At the beginning of October Hugo and Inger went to the Netherlands to take their boat out of the water. Hugo had bought a new wheel clamp for the boat trailer. It is an ingenious system with a spring. When he wanted to remove it, it burst open with a tremendous vigour. Hugo could not jump away in time and had the wheel clamp full-blast on his right skin bone. It hurted immensely, but Hugo finished his job and took the boat trailer with his car to the slipway for boats.

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God gave Ria a complete new life during the Fatherheartschool

Ria has been coming to our church even from before it was officially established. Through Josée and Eugeen she came to the then prayergroup. She couldn’t attend her church anymore because of frequent and severe epileptic seizures. Her therapist advised her to come to the group on Tuesday nights. Ria says she never quite knew why this woman gave her this advice. At first she came just to get out of the house for a little while.

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Praying with the neighbours, with results!


Carine and Patrick have a nice testimony after praying with the neighbors:

“Alessio, a two year old boy is the grandson of our neighbor. He was only a moment alone in the kitchen of the restaurant of his daddy and grandma when his mama was upstairs. Jerisa, his mama, heard a noise in the kitchen. She ran downstairs and saw that her little boy had splatters drain cleaner on his skin and clothes. She tore the clothes from his little body and speeded to the hospital in Bonheiden.

After having received first aid for the burns Alessio was transferred to the University Hospital in Leuven. Quite soon the physicians were talking about skin transplant. After two weeks in the
hospital the doctors noticed a slight improvement in the large burn under his left arm. His mama asked if she could take Alessio home for the weekend. She kept the agreement not to take him

Patrick, Lies and I could visit them that Sunday afternoon. Jerisa said she hoped for a favorable ruling from the doctor that only a limited transplant would be needed. Alessio was standing right next to me. I touched him just a moment and said a simple prayer for a speedy recovery in Jesus’Name. Sunday night Alessio returned to the hospital.

On Monday our neighbor told Patrick that the doctor said the burns had healed wonderfully well and Alessio could go home. A skin transplant wouldn’t be necessary anymore!
What a joy there was in Alessio’s family… and what is so special is that our neighbor acknowledges Jesus in this.”

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