
Sermon o/t week

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Healed from neck pain and headache that lasted for years

We’ll let Lutgart speak:

For years I suffered from several kinds of headaches:
migraine, neck pain that resulted in severe headaches and chronic sinusitis.

The first migraine attack started about 35 years ago right after the birth of my daughter. From that moment on these attacks were frequent: usually once a week. Such an attack lasted for 3 days and then sometimes started again the next day.

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O Lord, you preserve both man and beast

Some time ago we received this testimony by Ela: "The woman next door has moved and she has left her cats behind. I have taken care of them. They are half wild, so I can only feed them but I cannot nurse them when they are in trouble, for they are very shy. One cat I allow to sleep in my basement, it is always open so that she can always get in and out. Yesterday I came home and there was a terrible stench in there.

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Ignace recently told us the following via e-mail:

“I want to look back for a while to the Fasting days in Cornimont held the beginning of this year. To date I am still very encouraged by the spiritual impulse that you (Ann) received at the end of testimony session, Saturday afternoon 28 January. I was the last one to come to the front. At that moment you communicated a word from the Lord for me. I experience a clear improvement in my health condition as well as in my general condition.

Thank you for your candor in the Lord, which means a lot to me, up to this day.
The Lord builds up faith, hope and vision during these three days at Cornimont, and the team of Gods Ambassade played a special roll in this.


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