
Sermon o/t week

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What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb...

This goes also for sowing and harvesting!!

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When you walk with Jesus, all ends well!

During the Christmas holidays Monia could join Kobe, a friend of hers and his family to Munich. On new Year's Eve they all together left for a walk in the mountains. It was around 16:00 and it would be getting dark soon. Kobe's father showed a mountain hut on the other side of a mountain and said that Kobe and Monia might walk over there, while the others would driving to the cabin by car. So Kobe and Monia went off ... but what they did not know was that they had both looked at the wrong house, that was on the top of the mountain in front of them.

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Ignace recently told us the following via e-mail:

“I want to look back for a while to the Fasting days in Cornimont held the beginning of this year. To date I am still very encouraged by the spiritual impulse that you (Ann) received at the end of testimony session, Saturday afternoon 28 January. I was the last one to come to the front. At that moment you communicated a word from the Lord for me. I experience a clear improvement in my health condition as well as in my general condition.

Thank you for your candor in the Lord, which means a lot to me, up to this day.
The Lord builds up faith, hope and vision during these three days at Cornimont, and the team of Gods Ambassade played a special roll in this.


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