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Persisting stomach-ache disappears

Some time ago Maria stopped me after church. She told me how that day it dawned unto her she had not had a stomach-ache for over a year now. This was after they had been praying for her during a church meeting (the Lord had given a word that people with stomach-aches were being healed).
Not one stomach-ache in a whole year! Nothing special for people who never suffer from it, but Maria added  that before, she used to have stomach-aches almost every day for years. She even had been treated for a gastric ulcer and that she often had to get up at night to throw up.

Tiny lipoma dissapears ...

On Saturday the 14th of April, Sandy looked at herself in the glass, and all of a sudden she noticed that she had been cured! For more than a year she had had a white globule under her eye.

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Jan lost his job May 2016 by mutual agreement with his boss. He could not handle his job in construction anymore due to severe back problems.

In July 2017 the hernia has gotten so worse that certain nerves in his right leg were not functioning anymore as they should. Jan was urgently operated on his back. Rehabilitation went by reasonably smooth.

In the fall of 2017 Jan and Ann attended our weekly church meeting. Jan Sjoerd Pasterkamp spoke that morning on the spiritual authority of a man.

He put emphasis – among other things – on the fact that is important for a man to go to work and to take care for his family.

Jan was on that moment extremely discouraged as he had applied for jobs many times, but nothing came out of these applications. The word Jan Sjoerd shared, spoke to Jan very deeply. He longed more than ever before for a good job! At the end of the service Jan Sjoerd prayed for all the men.

The week following this meeting Jan was called by a job agency. He was invited to a job interview and it went very well. It happed to be a vacant job with company where Jan had applied before, but without the desired result.

After consultations between the job agency and the company at stake, Jan was invited to start a training pathway within the company in cooperation with the Flemish Employment Service (VDAB).

April 4, 2018 this contract expired and Jan was offered immediately a contract of indefinite duration. He has a job less than five minutes away from home and he is very pleased with his job!



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