
A happy grandmother relates

"It happened early in August at the seaside. Jasmijn, my daughter, and me were sitting on the beach. The children were playing at a distance of 4 or 5 meters from us in the front of the water. Suddenly I heard Bram screaming and I just still saw how he fell through his legs.

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A large malignant melanoma did not metastasize thanks to prayer

Early in January 2013 Eva, Dirks’ wife, noticed changes in a mole on her husbands’ back, it had become darker and larger. However she didn’t mention it to him.

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Pinched nerve loosens after prayer

Carine tells you the story:

“Monday 6th January, during the course of the day an awkward feeling settled in my left buttock… pretty painful! It felt like something was squeezed.  On Tuesday I went to the evening service, all the time it felt like my left leg was shorter than the right one. After the meeting I went to see Ann and told her about it. Ann said a pinched nerve in my back was the most likely cause and she prayed for me.  I accepted it … and I was convinced it would be all right.

Wednesday evening I suddenly realized the ailment had disappeared. That night I wholeheartedly thanked my heavenly Papa, He is simply great!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life….and yours too of course!”

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