
I'm doing well!


As many of you know, we have a prayer box which is placed in front of the church, in which people can put prayer items. Besides that we also have an "electronic prayer box": through e-mail people can send us their prayer requests. Also these requests are put into the box. After each church meeting the entire church as a whole prays together for every item in the box, so it is a communal faithful prayer!
Recently we heard that also other churches are adopting this tradition...

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Prayer changes your entire life

Liesbeth tells her story:

“Having read the book “How to live like a King’s kid” Pascale and I decided to devote more time to prayer. This is also the way we wanted to live: with signs and wonders following, with the Holy Spirit revealing us solutions, prayer topics…. With lots of courage, enthusiasm and expectation we started end of June 2014 to pray together every day.

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Pinched nerve loosens after prayer

Carine tells you the story:

“Monday 6th January, during the course of the day an awkward feeling settled in my left buttock… pretty painful! It felt like something was squeezed.  On Tuesday I went to the evening service, all the time it felt like my left leg was shorter than the right one. After the meeting I went to see Ann and told her about it. Ann said a pinched nerve in my back was the most likely cause and she prayed for me.  I accepted it … and I was convinced it would be all right.

Wednesday evening I suddenly realized the ailment had disappeared. That night I wholeheartedly thanked my heavenly Papa, He is simply great!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life….and yours too of course!”

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