That cat had a serious ear infection and she had lost a lot of weight. I had not seen her for weeks. She almost did not react any more, and when cats almost don't move any more it means that they have given up and that they are going to die. The pus was running badly out of her ear, so she was in terrible pain. I prayed and I tried to put my hands on her. I put milk and food close to where she was lying and I went to sleep. The next morning I came to her and the stench had completely gone, the pus was nearly gone, she allowed me to caress her, her eyes were bright again and all the food had been eaten! He does not only heal people but also the animals if we pray for them!
Testimony Danny – Theater weekend
In January a whole team from our church went to the theatre weekend of Carla Veldhuis in the Netherlands. This has become an annual tradition...
Danny, who went with us from the start, tells us part of her story:
"In 2015 the three of us decided to go from Belgium to the theatre weekend of Carla Veldhuis in the Netherlands. I was a bit nervous about it and also a bit worried that we would be among the oldest attendees, even though I was very hungry for more. Arriving on Friday evening our suspicion was immediately confirmed: our grey hair stood out among that of many other young participants. I saw a somewhat older couple and immediately felt a little better. Later on, these people turned out to be no ordinary participants, they were part of the prayer team.
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A female resident - greatly advanced in years- from the retirement home where Inger used to work, was eagerly looking forward to the wedding party of her granddaughter, with whom she had a special bond. A while before the wedding, she was visibly getting worse: she became confused, had no strength left. She was expected to die very soon. Years before all this Inger once had talked with her about Jesus, but she did not want to choose for Him nor receive prayer. She thought it was "too late to change her mind". When her condition became critical, she allowed Inger to pray with her and she gave her heart to Jesus. Inger also prayed for new strength, so she would be able to attend the wedding. The next day her condition was much better, and slowly but surely the confusion disappeared and she recovered her strength. With a fresh mind, and a lovely outfit, she enjoyed -amidst her family -the wedding party she had longed for so much.