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Severe pain disappears completely

Sunday night Maria Calant got severe pain around her stomach. She has had ulcers before and immediately thought this was a similar thing.  Because of the pain she hardly slept that night and throughout Monday it didn’t get any better. She ate nothing that day and after a second sleepless night she called her daughter Nadine on Tuesday morning at 6 o’clock.  Nadine suggested to take her at once to E.R.

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Praying very specifically in authority sometimes makes a huge difference

We let Lutgart explain things herself:
“The house of my son have been for sale quite a while, since august 2016. According to the real estate agent it would be an easy job!

From the very moment the house was for sale, I have been putting on a monthly basis a note in the prayer box asking my heavenly Father for a smooth sale, the right price and the right candidates.

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If you want to see a healing, pray for a sick person!

Here is the story:

“Jasmijn and I went together to the “Love Never Fails” conference with Roland and Heidi Baker in Roeselare (Belgium). The meetings were deliciously revitalizing and encouraging. The last morning Jasmijn told Mom she regretted not having witnessed a single healing or wonder yet. Mom’s laconic reply was: then why don’t you pray for someone?

That afternoon in between two meetings we had a nice chat with someone who also came to the Fatherheart conference in Vaalbeek. He told us he really enjoyed Hugo’s book. The friend he brought along had a badly sprained foot. That morning the pain was so severe he could hardly get up, it was impossible to put on a shoe and he needed crutches to walk.

Jasmijn asked if we could pray for him. We laid hands on him and in Jesus’ Name and authority we commanded the pain to go and the foot to completely restore. Then we told him to do something he couldn’t do. He looked at us and put his foot on the floor. You should have seen his face! All the pain was gone and he started to jump up and down! He ran -with his crutches in the air- to his car to get his other shoe.

A couple of minutes later he came back to us. “The pain is returning” he said. We explained these are just symptoms wanting to convince him is foot was not healed. We told him he had to command the pain to stay away because he was healed. And he did. The next meeting we saw him -standing on both feet wearing his shoes- worshipping. No sight of the crutches, he had thrown them somewhere.

Back home I told my daughter about the conference. She was really interested in the miraculous healing, excited about our great Papa God. Back in school on Monday she didn’t need to think long about what she could share in class about the weekend. Proudly she told how God had healed a badly sprained foot instantly. A classmate called out: “That’s a miracle!” And it surely is!”

This man, David Wesdijk, sent us an e-mail:

“This past weekend I was at “Love Never Fails” in Roeselare. On Friday night I had severely sprained my foot and couldn’t walk without the crutches. On Sunday two ladies of your church prayed for my foot and the pain was instantly gone. I could jump again without pain! As I wanted to put my crutches away the pain started to come back, but they prayed again for me, from then on it got better and better. Sunday evening I was walking without bandage, without crutches and without pain! Up to now I have no more pain whatsoever, although the doctors told me on Saturday morning I would need the crutches at least a week. Praise the Lord! I just wanted to let you know! Thanks!”

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